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Tuesday, August 30, 2011
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Monday, August 29, 2011
getpaid atLink: International court of Justice
International court of Justice
Hi this is about International court of Justice at Hague.
Yes! attempts by few cunning and cruel people to kill any leaders in this world must be given an opportunity to hear or file a petition at International Court of Justice.
Appealing on a judgment to president of a country may not be correct. Supreme court may say that a victim may file a petition to International court of Justice (only on exclusive cases -killing President of any Nation by any one) Through the approval of U.N.O.
even questioning on any mistakes by U.N.O. This binding law must come in force. Because Once son of a UNO secretary General has misused the Funds of U.N.O. is Known to people. No action taken against this also well Known to People. Because funds at U.N.O. is also People Money ,this must be often remembered.
International court of Justice and U.N.O. must be Tied appropriately by making law bindings suitably By the Members at U.N.O. is the immediate need of this world Today.
getpaid atLink: 9th September 2011 Is it a bad day to Three?
9th September 2011 Is it a bad day to Three?
Hi this is about 9th September 2011 Is it a bad day to Three?
Hi to President of India and all people in the world. The judgment to Hang and the compassion petition rejected by presidential office are all known to people of this world.
But Now Government and people must be safe on 7th to 9th September 2011.
because few political parties announced a Blocking Protest at the gate of Vellore Jail where three imprisoned are going to be hanged . Media and press say All the proceedings started at vellore Prison to hang these three persons.
But Few political parties join hands together and going to clash at the Gate of this Prison at Vellore may cause Damages to Government properties and assets and innocent people. Vellore Jail may be Damaged by these people in anger. Anger do not know any values of anything is known to us.
Also to Note on September 9th 2011 Sri Lanka Government Lifts the Emergency once for all. And after this President of sri lanka may get in to trouble . Because of Tamil groups and politicians who all against the brutal killing of Tamilians in the war . So He may face his Death Danger on the same day or on the other,so better he may resign the office and get in to the asylum somewhere is the best option.
No one will excuse or admit that Brutal Killings of Tamilians by an order by Mahinda Rajapaksa . Whole world condemned. so He must increase his safety from 9 th September. a safety measure is resigning the office of presidency.
People are Powerful ,only when they are in office afterwards if they are found against Humanity in their service time than they loose due respect after office. so Maintain and high Value and regards towards Humanity is the advise to all leaders in the world,This includes U.N.O.
This is my view .
President disqualified the Petition on Compassion why?
Hi this is about President disqualified the Petition on Compassion why?
Yes! This is about President of India disqualified a petition on Compassionate Grounds . Appeal sent by 3 victims got judgment as to be Hanged,because they are the part of Killers who involved in killing Mr. Rajiv Gandhi - A young and Dynamic Prime Minister and Leader from India.
This Brutal killing shocked all Indians except few people who support LTTE - a Tamilian Group Applied and used Arms in the fight against Sri Lankan Government. Politicians at Tamil Nadu even today fear about LTTE followers because Many politicians may had the Business of selling Diesel, Petrol,Kerosene and Food products,Rice,and others by shipping through Boats and minted money is the strong rumor is available in India in Press and Media and in People Talk.
The above said murder case was in dealing at many courts and underwent many investigations and judgment given to hang the criminals. Now few People in Tamil Nadu demand and say and protest that Indian Government has to revert the Judgment because already these three people were completed imprisonment about twenty years.
Yesterday their was a Discussion in Puthiya Thalaimurai TV in this regard. so Television are keenly watching the developments.
In this Puthiya Thalaimurai TV Discussion a clear mistake took place. The matter is connected to legal. so one side Mr. Subramanian Swamy a well known Lawyer studied International law and presently Janatha Party Leader at Tamilnadu, on the other hand This Television connected with Mr.S.P.Veera pandian a Lecturer and than he protested for teh favor of LTTE Tamilians and imprisoned and a member of and presently a favourite with D M K party leader but he is not a Lawyer. why I mention this when this Television created discussion than they should call persons on equal merits. so that yesterday Mr.subramanian swamy was get rid of this programme in the middle.
Mr.Veera pandian is not a equal person to debate with Subramanian swamy is my verdict. Mr.S.P.Veera pandian talking something not connected to the matter and subramanian swamy is on the matter. so confusion,ultimately people could not be reached is the result.
Tamilnadu chief minister has to involve in this matter and to ban the order is the demand by few from legal also.
Chief Minister does not have authority to question on the decision of President Of India. If chief Minister do any thing against President of India than People in India will say Tamil nadu chief Minister is supreme in India than the President may demand for president to Resign.
All right,coming to the matter ,This is a matter has to be deal with supreme court Once again ,their is a message that Mr.Ram Jeth malani a leading lawyer and ex Minister in BJP government is going to argue on this subject .
what ever the proceeding , let the protestants must answer about the value of lives of Tamilians - Indians in India who died along with Rajiv Gandhi. so the matters happens in Tamil nadu clearly say few people as a Team wants to save people of Sri Lanka But Not interested to care Indians or Tamilians. what a fun?
Court will do its Duties is the expectation of people in India.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
getpaid atLink: Anna Failed
Now here I wou...
Anna Failed
Hi this is about Anna Failed.
Yes! Anna is surrounded by many persons this includes Baba Ramdev and many religious attached.
Now here I would like to predict that Anna Failed to have the best time to close the Fasting. But He did not. He closed his fasting at 10.45 AM . Actually I like to predict that this is a very bad time on any Sunday. He would have closed his fasting before 10AM or He must have closed his fasting between 11.05 to 11.45 AM.
But he closed his fasting on !0.45 AM so his expectations from Parliament will be a failure one. He must take care of His Health and security because of this Bad time closure of his Fasting today at Ramlila Maidan - Delhi.
He must give importance to these matters also, I believe. I have given my prediction here that Anna will not get the result as he expect. So Once again he will go for an another attempt.
Or The Union Government may get dissolved / or resign . If this happens than Fasting by Anna is a failure one.
getpaid atLink: Kudangulam Nuclear plant in Danger?
getpaid atLink: new political leader “cuts” the country and steals...
getpaid atLink: Success to whom? Manmohan singh M.P. or Manmohan s...
getpaid atLink: Pillaiyar Chathuthi Pooja
getpaid atLink: My RAMZAN WISHES
Saturday, August 27, 2011
getpaid atLink: Mis happening in Indian Parliament corrected By Pe...
Mis happening in Indian Parliament corrected By People of India on27.8.2011
This is about the Mis-happening in Indian Parliament and the Present are all always touches to try the inside pages of Indian Constitution to amend which framed by 14 Scholars of India That includes Bima Rao Ambedkar.
I wish ,this Team must start from the Preamble of Indian constitution. Preamble says that Government is for the people,by the people and to teh people. The turning point is Great Americans in the world accepted this , so that Barack Obama got elected a s President , but these Samaritans failed to see these words is shocking.
I like to say to my Professor who taught Political science of the world is Mr.Samuel Jabarathinam a great teacher gave a big Lecture on the preamble of Indian constitution and its values and importance in a fine class. I thank to my Teacher at this time.
Mr.Jawahar lal Nehru was wanted to remove Ambedkar from the Team and Mr.Mahatma Gandhi who in his reply told to Nehru ,if you remove Ambedkar than I am not willing to be a part of this Team ,is also well known to all Indians. This is available in teh History of India in detail. This reveals to us about congress Leaders with different Thoughts or Biased.
Like Mr.Mahatma Gandhi Now Salman Khurshid has played a vital role.Thanks to Law,Law Makers and teh Law Ministry in India.
thanks to Right Teachers o this world.
why Man mohan singh failed now against Anna Goal?
Hi this is a post about why Man mohan singh failed now against Anna Goal?
Because he failed to realize that he is a citizen though he is a M.P. This is the wrong image creation by his Ministers. They were in thinking or in a Maya that they are all from Heaven. San sad/Parliament is a place where People elected as M.P. or stamped as M.P to care people ,because all the 12o crore people can not be accommodated in Parliament is also a problem. and you can not arrive any solutions on any People send people as their representatives ,in the modern name as M.P. .This stamping is for a stipulated period only.after that and before to this all people now called M.P's are with a designation people as a part of Citizen of the country. That's all.
An exclusive occasion To understand this by Man Mohan singh took a long period is ridiculous. This may be because he is with Sonia Gandhi a Despot from a foreign country who try to Dictate things in all matters as per her decision.Leader decision must be final but she is not a Leader and she is a adamant woman in India in Administrating India is a wrong thing happened.
Thanks to Anna Hazare, by his Fasting he made it clear that Man Mohan singh Team to realize that they are also a part of people.
Thanks visit the next post is with an another interesting news.
Success to whom? Manmohan singh M.P. or Manmohan singh as Citizen
Hi this is about Success to whom? Manmohan singh M.P. or Manmohan singh as Citizen.
First I would like to say that Law Minister Salman Khurshid is blessed by Lord Allahu on This RAMZAN Prayers.I also prayed for teh success of Salman Khurshid in his attempt because he attended the matter with a open Mind.
All others attended this matter created lot of confusion this includes Prime Minister Manmohan singh ,No one will deny this. I know Mr.Man Mohan singh is agreeing on this point. so he is having a good subordinate in the Ministry.
All right let me say who had success whether Prime Minister Manmohan singh or Citizen Man Mohan singh?.
The Answer is Citizen Man Mohan singh won on this Anti corruption issue because people know that it is horrible to find corruption on Manmohan singh as citizen of India ,why? he is delivering the attendance to all matters as citizen of India or representing People as M.P. for goodness.
Thanks for being with me in all Posts. I will be back in few seconds with another valuable post .
Success to People says Anna
Hi this is about Success to People says Anna . Yes! People of India reciprocates the same at all places through out the country. Like Independence day people started celebrating This day across teh country.
Now by watching all ,How far people of India had pain on corruption which driven them to all corners to all levels by all levels in all matters and in all offices. Even to collect Pension by age old pensioner were paying bribe to Post Man and woman in the country.This is for example.
People to call Press and media like NDTV Times of India to offices like this to take secret coverage and to publish the same on the same day or the next day in their media. This is also a must.Respect media and press.
What next by Anna is available in the next post at This post will be published in a few minutes from now.
Thank you.
getpaid atLink: new political leader “cuts” the country and steals...
new political leader “cuts” the country and steals money from the state treasury
you can witness from the picture here How Press demanding Democracy at Ukraine in Russia.
Both in India And Russia Democracy is in danger.How far the press at Ukraine suffer is really touches lives. visit for more pictures on this revolutionary work by press here
Hi this about new political leader “cuts” the country and steals money from the state treasury.This happens in India now.
Femen activists again protest against Ukrainian authorities telling that they are indifferent to ordinary people. This action was held on the main Ukrainian garden-bed on the Day of Independence of Ukraine. Every new political leader “cuts” the country and steals money from the state treasury like Femen girls cut the flowerbed. 4 mowers and 2 journalists were arrested.
This is happening in Russia. Female workers are in half dressed and they are not accepted along with the normal people.
so press and media internationally to fight for few matters has to be agreed.
Kudangulam Nuclear plant in Danger?
hi this is about Kudangulam Nuclear plant in Danger? this is the plant constructed with a joint venture of Russia in India.
this plant is almost in finished to start production in a short while from Now.
But the people residing in nearing villages were now started protesting strongly to close the plant or shift the plant to any other location . They are very strong. This matter is not like Anna Hazare who kills himself for the people of India to eradicate corruption. but these people belongs to village they can not be exploited by Government and can not prolong talks on many schedules and any order from any court will not function here. police is also supporting to people at this site is teh information. Because Police is also a part of Human their with the villagers.
If the villagers get annoyed or angry than they will not think about any consequences and may hit directly at Nuclear Plant. so Government must shift this Plant or close this Plant.
Today also we find in media and press about 5.5 magnitude quake strikes Afghanistan . From any natural calamities like this Nuclear Plant will get damage and people will die in seconds. Only skeletons you can see afterwards. so Not to Loose any Human life for Nuclear energy.
getpaid atLink: are you interested to win in Horse race
are you interested to win in Horse race
Hi this is about Horse race. Yes! are you interested to win in Horse race. if yes than read the post further.
When you watch the race the horses will running to over cross the other.This is the area is a Turning arranged in Horse race court by the conductor.
The managing Team will sit on the top of the floor or in some position in the same Horse race court. They will get the updated information about complete bookings before few seconds . so they call the Jackie on the horse while they turn ,Jackie will also a Mike fixed in his leg part. so by this communication the management will call the wanted horse which has no booking in to first Position and similar arrangements will make people to get fail in their bookings.
so Please do not go to Horse race.
getpaid atLink: End of Royal government
End of Royal government
Hi this is about End of Royal government is likely. People in UK say that they have frustrated with the pattern of Administration and the involvement of Royal Family .
people in UK going to Undergo for a strong Protest for demanding Democratic Government by People.
This is going to take place in shortly. This is my prediction . This intuition I got after my Prayers yesterday .
Always my prediction went true. Now also you can find this will become true. Prime Minister and the Government will support for this Miracle to Happen in England. A big revolution is expected in UK.Present Planetary Positions are not good for UK.
Please wait, watch this prediction happens true.
getpaid atLink: end of American empire
end of American empire
Hi this is about American empire. and three cheers on that is the news available in routers. It may be right.
Imperial overreach is bankrupting the United States without providing much benefit, argues Reuters columnist Nader Mousavizadeh. this is an alert from routers to Barack Obama administrative office.
US Government must reduce interest in spending arms for the other countries and sending soldiers to other nations , this is a need . This expense must be reduced.
But any how America will come back to Normal. But No offers in business advertisements to blogger like me show that US is in severe problems.
getpaid atLink: Rahul Gandhi only can not bring changes why?
getpaid atLink: Anna and his Team joining hands with B J P in Indi...
Anna and his Team joining hands with B J P in India
Hi this is about Anna and his Team joining hands with B J P in India . Yes! this is a Bet Option acceptable to Anna Team I believe. Believing Congress further and wasting Time and health further by Anna it is best to join hands with B J P.
We support all three points raised by Anna Hazare: Sushma Swaraj. This is a good turning point in Indian Politics and It is good to join with B J P.
Congress party is like a Fox in all its action is to be remembered by Anna.
There are politicians/freedom fighters applied Violence while Mahatma Gandhi applied Non Violence for Freedom to India is in the History. But they failed because of the arms and ammunitions. Britishers had all weapons but Indian in that time had only sword as weapons in different types. so Indians failed.
Now In India we are powered with atom Bomb because of scientists like Mr.Abdul Kalam, but along with Anna to fight with the Government using arms No one available ,because they are in ruthless groups like Naxalites,and other terrorist groups works idiotically in India killing peace of the Nation.
But while watching team supporting Anna is almost Youngsters in India ,they are empowered with their mind so they may be the next strong threat to Indian present politicians at all times from now on.
now Accept Sushma Swaraj for her good Love and join with her in B J P.
Rahul Gandhi only can not bring changes why?
Hi this is about Rahul Gandhi only can not bring changes why?
because he is telling this indirectly by saying that Jan Lokpal bill only can not eradicate corruption in India.
He may also a part of corruptive congress and he prove by making this statement.
Rahul Gandhi said that Jan Lokpal Bill only can not eradicate Corruption in India.
All right , people of India and Indians Abroad ask Rahul Gandhi than what will eradicate corruption in India?
He would have said that Jan Lokpal Bill is troubling bill to many politicians of today in Parliament so we are unable to process the Jan Lokpal bill by Anna Team.
Today on 12th day Anna is on fasting . This is his earlier record of 12 day fasting. But now his age is increased is also to be noted.
Talking on Janlokpal bill will not give productive result. so I humbly request Anna ,Kejriwal,Shanthi Bhushan and others in the team must come to the people court to get justice for this demand. for that Anna Must start a Political Party Immediately. I am ready to write to all Political leaders in teh world to get support for this political party and its aim.why this is important ,this is a need to have funding. In India Industrialists and Business people and Politicians will not come forward to funding and support you.
see the example ; How Barack Obama managed the show in his political campaign to had his glorious victory? International countries supported his social cause. and funded for his election. so he got elected can not be denied. like that Anna can get help from all countries.
Anna Must look in to the people welfare in the view I said here. I have sent so many advises like this and not reciprocated so frustrated in writing and stopped for few days. Now today this is the last letter to Anna and to his team.
Monday, August 22, 2011
getpaid atLink: Advani Offered Prime Minister Office Today by Cong...
getpaid atLink: Test Match Cricket Rank
getpaid atLink: Advani Offered Prime Minister Office Today by Cong...
Advani Offered Prime Minister Office Today by Congress!
Hi this is about a Mockery comment by a congress spokes person about Advani Looking For Prime Minister Chair!?
Now Because of Anna Hazare world, Congress Totally confused is reflecting on this message.
I do not know when Advani joined in Congress? If he has joined than he will be appointed by Sonia as Prime Minister because their is no need for her to Nominate him as Rajya sabha M.P.
why I told this because people are aware of every thing. They not responding to press or media or Politicians but they respond to Morals and faith on their knowledge. so that we see many different election result.Money can not do wonders is also a result in the recent election held in Tamil Nadu.
Because Only in congress that facility of becoming Prime Minister and President and other Higher Ranks in India.
In recent political arrangements and set up Indians witnessed that all the Senior positions in Parliament were decided by Sonia Gandhi act like a despot. Also people Noticed Their was no objection raised by B J P on any matter decided by Sonia Gandhi. .why? is their any secret agreement between Congress and B J P in sharing Corruption? If so we people do not want B J P also.
the present congress party will not come back to Power in the next election , not only that This present set up will vanish. This is my Prediction and Take it Granted. please wait and watch.
Now B J P Must question and Object on a Nominated M.P as Prime Minister and must raise voice to change these feasibility clause in the constitution. any person as M.P. takes office must be get elected by people from a election with in a period of 6 months from the date of Nomination as prime Minister. This is a change in need to our Democracy.B J P M.P's must resign and create pressure to President to dissolve Mr.Man Mohan Singh Government and make the election commission to declare a date for general election.
why Media and Press were shivering with fear to comment on Sonia? Media and press must try to become a part in Indian Politics and Government.Raise your Voice. I believe that this is the social responsibility of Press and media is needed Today.
Test Match Cricket Rank
Hi This is about Test Match Cricket Rank . Few weeks ago,In international Ranking India in the first Rank . After four test Matches Last to England ,India arrived at Third Rank.
My prediction about this test winner went true. and this is about One day Match ;
One day international is going to be played between England and India ,for this what is my prediction?
Look in to my prediction:
One day match between India and england will be in Favor of England. This is definite.
More over ,all the matches may not take place due to Rain and riots in England.
Already I predicted that Indian team under the leadership of Dhoni will fail in all matches in all countries after his south Africa Tour was my Prediction.
Now it is coming true to your knowledge in practical.
Also I predicted their will be a big fire accident expected in Europe. My prediction here also went true. we saw the fire accident in London.
I get my intuition in mind because of my Religious Guru.
In a short time. I likely to stop writing my prediction in my blogs. why I should I do this ?
getpaid atLink: Freedom struggle Two in 2011 in India
The first freedom struggle was on demanding sons of the soil right.
Now this...
Freedom struggle Two in 2011 in India
Hi this is about Freedom struggle Two in 2011 in India.
The first freedom struggle was on demanding sons of the soil right.
Now this struggle for corruption free / clean India.
On applying Non Violence methods ,Mahatma Gandhi Team achieved the Freedom at last on 15th August 1947.
Now On 15th August 2011 the second Freedom struggle started by Anna and supporting by people of India except the corruptive Politicians ,and few interested in using corruption as a tool to promote themselves and not the country.
Seventh fasting by Anna is required to have sincere concern on his health. Even the doctors who treat him must be monitored carefully. Corruptive politicians may buy any doctors at any cost. so The team must be careful at Anna.
In Congress all Politicians are against Jan Lokpal Bill. Many ministers that includes Prime Minister, informed to be corruptive and yet to take action on them and No body proved corruptive on any case till arrested create Doubt to people On Government and its proceedings ,This may be due to strong law breakers.
so That Law makers made this Jan Lokpal Bill and it has to be implemented by parliament.
It will be, even all Congress Ministers oppose .it is possible by Mr Rahul Gandhi. Because Rahul Gandhi a young Politicians who seeded many using his office and power against corruptions which can not be denied by prime Minister office.
But he is not showing any sign of involvement and progress now, and think about the arrested Ministers and few may expected to get arrest ,which will ruin the party which may be a concern.
Any way I like to share my feelings ,views and opinions about Original Indian National Congress and its turn immediately after the declaration of independence in my next post.
Now Barathiya Janata Party is having a chance to force the Government to resign By creating Huge Pressure. But B J P is not doing .This may be because many interested in congress welfare and they can be free from responsibility .
Many Ministers exploited Prime Minister and his Office is crystal clear to people.
So Bad governance.than how people can depend on this Government?
Now Anna to decide immediately than going for a discussion with Congress ,which will not result the expectation of Anna and people .
Media nad press to have keen observation that many political leaders ,regional political party leaders,claimed like clowns saying their age on many situation commented and advised ,But on these seven days No words Only silent. Because they may be We people of India need New Politicians . Not the existing 535. This a very small fraction in 120 crores of people in India. so Please turn your mind thoughts against the existing Politicians.
If anything goes wrong to Anna than People of India may jump in to start Punishing the Corruptive Directly. this is wrong and the democracy will loose its value.
Prime minister is responsible for all mistakes in the government so he has to resign.
The answer is Congress Must resign immediately ,President of India is watching all developments ,so in the interest of people ,President may dissolve the Parliament. People believe that president may not like corruptions and corruptive that rule India further. It is a shame to India on the International stage.
Oh God Give Good health to Anna. This my Prayer today ,because I wish my people and my country well being.Please join me here on this prayer.
samasthanam loots Gold from Anatha Padmanabha swamy temple?
Hi this is about thiruvangoor samasthanam loots Gold from Anatha Padmanabha swamy temple? is it true. In the visit last week Raja Marthanda of thiruvangoor samasthanam taken few quantity of Gold and Diamonds with him on his return from the temple says ex chief Minister of Kerala Mr.Achuthanandan. He is a responsible person in Kerala.
Already I predicted that entire jewels and money will be looted so It must go to Treasury of teh Government of India and a share has to be deposited in terms of Money in an account to Anatha Padmanabha swamy temple. Using Arabian pirates the property will be looted is my prediction. The looters will be our Governing people.
Do Prime Minister recommend Yedurrappa for Nobel prize?!
Hi this is about Yedurrappa demands Nobel Prize . yes! he say that for his best administration and people of Karnataka know about that ,and pain he has taken to improve Karnataka he must be Honored with Nobel Prize.
so prime Minister must say that Mines are coming under Union government Ministry,so is their any corruption in the part of Union ministers, so that he can write a letter strongly recommending Yedurrappa for Nobel prize.
what a fun by B J P in Karnataka.
Both B J P and Congress are corruptive.why B J P not asked Governor to dismiss the Government . Because this is Power politics going on in India. Anna has to put an end to this.
collecting fund for U N O relief fund
Hi this is about collecting fund for U N O relief fund. a person in Switzerland walk on cable car rope for 1000 meter and the height is about 380 meters with out any safety measures and collecting funds for UNO relief measures. a great action by good human.
Fake currency
Hi this is about fake currency at a place in Tamilnadu in a bank deposit.The value is big.
They say a person is on wanted list now in police records.
But I like to say C B I has to intensify its raid in Few Temples. where already fake currency printing was found in that Under ground press in a Parasakthi temple in Tamil Nadu. Due to Mr.Jail singh - President of India late intervention ,the matter was suspended at that time is known to all. Because This temple in particular have large number of devotees from Bank employees who govern all Banks. so again watching all suspected temples and other areas by C B I under the Instruction from union Government may stop fake currency in India.
safety measures at Nuclear Plant's? by Prime Minister?
Hi this is about safety measures at Nuclear Plant's? by Prime Minister?
Yes! He says to the growing need of electricity nuclear plant are the perfect alternative. But it's safety measures are to be maintained and monitored.
What my opinion is close all Nuclear plants which will cause Danger to Human lives. These plants and agreement may brought to you a huge bribe? But I like to insist the government to plant solar and wind energy plants. This is the right alternative.
These are not much dangerous like Nuclear plants. we need to see/aim our generations to live on the earth.
Medical college at Mountraod
Hi this is about New building at Mount road for Medical college under construction. In the same premises a complete venue will be used as General Hospital said by the Chief Minister.
This is may be due sentimental values.
The building constructed at Anna salai was previously known as Rajaji Hall. Normally Dead body of the Chief Minister's and Political Personalities were used to kept for national Mourning and people to show their respect.
Here in a Banyan Tree their was many suicides happened is yet another Government decided to use this building constructed with the use of crores and crores of Money for the people welfare.
getpaid atLink: End of Sama cheer Welcomes you!
End of Sama cheer Welcomes you!
Hi this is about End of Sama cheer Welcomes you! This is a common education Programme brought in to all schools at tamil nadu.
Political Party D M K celebrates this as a victory to them.
But This celebrations are meaningless. For this D M K can Donate books at free of cost to the poor children,in other words D M K can make payment for books for poor children from their trust . This will become meaningful.
Also to note This is a plan for this year only. next academic year it will not be in Schools says Prime Minister of India.
Prime Minister of India said in Independence day celebration speech that Government has decided to have education commission like election commission with separate entity.
This education commission is doing study to bring Books and education as per the standard of CBSC applicable to all school children from the next academic year. This is in an idea to promote all children to one platform of education and style in knowledge.
Children will also get good knowledge from schools.
"The Hindu" says, on 15 Jun 2011 – New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Tuesday asked the Tamil Nadu government to continue implementation of the Samacheer Kalvi Thittam.
In the matter of Anna Hazare Prime Minister has replied to Anna to contact the statutory authorities.
But Now realizing Children education in mind he decided rightly though he over looks a statutory authority order. This is a common Good cause. In This The Hindu press will agree and may not join its hands to protest with D M K against Union Government and teh Prime Minister.
So Mr.Karunanidhi and his samacheer Kalvi brought to an end by Our prime Minister of India.
so This victory not to be celebrated by D M K . But D M K has to think on maintaining its relationship with Congress.
getpaid atLink: Ramlila and Anna Hazare
Ramlila and Anna Hazare
Hi this is about we people in India have faith on Lord Rama and Lord Krishna. This belief because of our faith in epics.
Now union Government first did not allowed Anna hazare to fast at a venue it was demanded.
But after imprisonment like a corruptive person at Tihar Jail he has been requested to do the fasting at Ramlila. This itself a Lila of Lord Rama.
Lord Rama allowed Anna to go on his path so he allowed Anna to do perform Fasting at Ram Lila Maidan. Here Indians in India going to see a great success to Anna from Lord Rama.
Already Lord Rama Gave A good success to good politician that is Vajpayee. Now this is the turn to Anna. A pride to Anna and envy to Man mohan singh .
So Man Mohan singh Government will return to Home. Because Like Vali , Prime Minister may wanted to throw out Anna by being behind the screen. But failed.
Police is also have Human Touch and they also know all Dharma.
getpaid atLink:
getpaid atLink: Commanding Request to Anna Hazare for quick action...
getpaid atLink: US not facing second round of recession: Obama
Terror hits Af-Pak during Ramzan
Hi this is about Terror hits Afghanistan -Pakistan during RAMZAN.
Hi you people as terrorists say in many dialogues that revealed in audio and video through press that you are following Islam and Lord Allahu.
That why you kill innocent Islam people ,that also in this RAMZAN period. Are you not ashamed of this act ?
Now I think People like George W.Bush is the right person to tackle with you all. You all will be killed by Lord Allahu because of your sin in RAMZAN. Don't you have faith in your Religion and Morals. You are all Idiots is confirmed now to this world. so No people will show kind on you all hereafter in any part of the world.
Mr.Banki Moon is Keeping quite .why? we do not have answer? he may be interested to save Only Christians on the earth. Because he is from North Korea and he follow a good religion Christianity. If Terrorists act continue than People like Banki Moon and UNO has to be dissolved.
what is the use of Having U.N.O. on the Earth? some one may answer to this question. or say what are all the formalities to dissolve U.N.O.?please say this? Let us do it.
US not facing second round of recession: Obama
Hi this is about US not facing second round of recession: Obama.the nation is in danger of not having a recovery that is fast enough to deal with a genuine unemployment crisis.
Yes! This is not a second round of attempt but this the final round . In this America must over come the troubles is the expectation from people like me. Because I love and believe the professionalism by Americans and Unity in them in their approaches along with the Government.
Thanks for connecting with me.
Commanding Request to Anna Hazare for quick action, Please
Hi this is about Commanding Request to Anna Hazare for quick action, Please. Yes!
the salient features of Jan Lokpal Bill is to be arranged to get printed in all Languages as hand bills that includes English by Retired IPS officer Kiran Bedi and other known people like Swami Agnivesh, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Anna Hazare and Mallika Sarabhai , and others are supporting this Miracle to happen in India.
By hiring a helicopter This Hand bills taking the details of Jan Lokpal Bill has to be floated in all villages and cities of India with in a short time to bring it to the Knowledge of all Indians.This is a must.
The website of the India Against Corruption movement calls the Lokpal Bill of the government an "eyewash" and has on it a critique of that government Bill.
Any How I have published the same details availed from the above site for information to my friends and relatives and People in India who get delivery from Internet. Many Indians were using Internet so they will Join me at this blog to respect a Good Movement by Anna hazare.
A look at the salient features of Jan Lokpal Bill:
1. An institution called LOKPAL at the centre and LOKAYUKTA in each state will be set up
2. Like Supreme Court and Election Commission, they will be completely independent of the governments. No minister or bureaucrat will be able to influence their investigations.
3. Cases against corrupt people will not linger on for years anymore: Investigations in any case will have to be completed in one year. Trial should be completed in next one year so that the corrupt politician, officer or judge is sent to jail within two years.
4. The loss that a corrupt person caused to the government will be recovered at the time of conviction.
5. How will it help a common citizen: If any work of any citizen is not done in prescribed time in any government office, Lokpal will impose financial penalty on guilty officers, which will be given as compensation to the complainant.
6. So, you could approach Lokpal if your ration card or passport or voter card is not being made or if police is not registering your case or any other work is not being done in prescribed time. Lokpal will have to get it done in a month's time. You could also report any case of corruption to Lokpal like ration being siphoned off, poor quality roads been constructed or panchayat funds being siphoned off. Lokpal will have to complete its investigations in a year, trial will be over in next one year and the guilty will go to jail within two years.
7. But won't the government appoint corrupt and weak people as Lokpal members? That won't be possible because its members will be selected by judges, citizens and constitutional authorities and not by politicians, through a completely transparent and participatory process.
8. What if some officer in Lokpal becomes corrupt? The entire functioning of Lokpal/ Lokayukta will be completely transparent. Any complaint against any officer of Lokpal shall be investigated and the officer dismissed within two months.
9. What will happen to existing anti-corruption agencies? CVC, departmental vigilance and anti-corruption branch of CBI will be merged into Lokpal. Lokpal will have complete powers and machinery to independently investigate and prosecute any officer, judge or politician.
10. It will be the duty of the Lokpal to provide protection to those who are being victimized for raising their voice against corruption.
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Sunday, August 21, 2011
Hi this is about Lok sabha and Jan Lokpal Bill.
Lok sabha is the place where we find People from Lok .Lok means people. so it is People sabha. Lok represent world also. It should be an example to the world taking Democracy to its hight is the aim of our forefathers.
But what happens Now in India.
Lok Sabha is not interested in Jan Lokpal bill. Lok sabha is against Lokpal bill and its clauses drafted by Anna team. This is panic to Democracy.
what is Jan Lokpal Bill?
power to the Jan Lokpal to prosecute politicians and bureaucrats without government permission.
Drafted by Justice Santosh Hegde,Prashant Bhushan - supreme court Lawyer,Arvind Kejriwal (RTI activist) and Retired IPS officer Kiran Bedi and other known people like Swami Agnivesh, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Anna Hazare and Mallika Sarabhai are also part of the movement, called India Against Corruption.
the mater is though it is Drafted By a supreme court judge ,people in supreme court are not supporting Jan Lokpal bill.why?
The Jan Lokpal Bill (Citizen's ombudsman Bill) is a draft anti-corruption bill drawn up by prominent civil society activists seeking the appointment of a Jan Lokpal, an independent 3 member body that would investigate corruption cases, complete the investigation within a year and envisages trial in the case getting over in the next one year.
This brings all citizens (that includes Prime Minister and supreme court judges - Because the Bill believes that they are also citizen of India) in its purview.
Anna Hazare, anti-corruption atom Bomb, on fasting Now at Ramlila Maidan to give life to Jan Lokpal Bill. 120 crore people in India are behind Him on this matter.
Bad time to Congress many auditor reports say many ministers are found to be corruptive in different cases .
getpaid atLink: Hi this is about patch-up job at Corporation of c...
job at Corporation of chennai
Hi this is about patch-up job at Corporation of chennai.
Corporation of chennai is going to function in a new building. This is a good work done by the Mayor M.subramanian. He is the first Mayor who faced people on every week on Zee T V Network to pave way for clearing Inconveniences. This is a Good Personal interaction by him for the first time in the History of Mayor in India. He should say thanks to Zee Television for the opportunity.
I found he is a genuine person From D M K.
Beautifying Corporation of Chennai is an important duty to preserve the Cultural Heritage of India.
Best wishes to Mayor M.Subramanian. Join me at face book. and visit
getpaid atLink: 150 Crores Unaccounted /Black Money&Gold
getpaid atLink: B B C Wedding - who is Putting the News First ?
B B C Wedding - who is Putting the News First ?
Hi this is about B B C Wedding. Yes! This is the (22nd August 1952) Wedding Day to BBC World. I am proud to say this with a small happy in my mind because my wedding happened on teh same date.
So today a big celebration with many happy notes will be their at BBC Team.
who is Putting the News First ? It is
But Now we find a lull in the speed of BBC and its Involvement in all Nation is a feel to me .This may be wrong.
BBC wedded this world with communications as wedding Ring in the fingers on this 22nd day in August in the last century. is operating its Very Big network in Broadcasting news and messages for information. Round the clock(24 X 7) it provides News to the world(every Hour).
But I will appreciate that if BBC Management announces the News channel as Free Channel instead of Paid channel. It also can engage and can carry advertisement's in between News in connection to the broadcasting area / Nation. This will bring Huge Revenue to is my Humble Request and feeling. Because it is a paid channel and also it puts news first ,Government restrictions are found at cable operators network ,For not to do quality relay . This is found when any important things happens in the country.
Thanks for staying with the news World -Press and Media in a great shine. Keep it up. I Love My BBC. But BBC never reciprocated my mails or published matters in their sites ,this may be due to Over Load.
May please get connected to my sites ; and is only a request.
Thank you BBC Team Once gain for attempting for a new world on every day Dawn.
150 Crores Unaccounted /Black Money&Gold
Hi this is about 150 Crores Unaccounted /Black Money&Gold . This was found and taken in to custody of C.B.I. in the last few days Raid at 25 shops of saravana stores at T.Nagar in Tamil Nadu in India.
What the Government and the Finance ministry is doing in all these days? This is the question in talk between people of Tamil nadu in India Today.
C.B.I. To raid all other shops in T.Nagar doing similar Business Like saravana stores. in That shops also the C.B.I. can get huge Money for Government Treasury.
All these stores are selling Adi Special Discount sale with out accounting Products and Gold. After the end of the sales of this season ,shops accounting accordingly and pay a very Low income Tax to Government.
In many shops they do not provide Bill with C S T Reg.Number and Tamil Nadu sales Tax Number.
This type of stocking and accounting after teh sale is happening in many leading automobile sales for the Years. C.B.I. has to raid all the automobile Manufactures and then to their dealers. C.B.I.can get data from manufacturer and their Transactions and it has to be verified the data at Dealer points . Here Government Treasury will get Huge Money through C.B.I.
After Election commission ,C.B.I. is performing well and Honestly. But C.B.I and Police Department ,Has to be declared as a separate entity and it has to report to President.
By this way If Government do things and entities Than automatically President of India will become Powerful and Prime Minister will fall in second Line.This is a Must.
In al these B J P through advani can take steps.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
getpaid atLink: social community for Life and Living
social community for Life and Living
Hi this is about social community and social community blog.
My blog almost has become a social blog because of Anna and his Very good social cause .Social community sites and blogs are powerful sites in Internet which helps people to reach in communications for a good cause.
I am Going to reveal my prediction astrologically about UK Government in Future in my Next post. I am sure This will be the future of England and London.
Hi friends on social success in India. I bless you all Young generation. Also to Note all these days Prime Minister and his ministers were shouting that Jan Lokpal Bill by Anna Team was not acceptable. And after dialogues it was drafted by Council of Ministers.
Council of Ministers and Prime Minister is also representing people of India They are not the owners to India. After knowing the impact of sathya Graha on fasting by Anna will bring an end to Congress and Congress Rule in India .
People Know about Congress in India ,that is this is not at all Indian National Congress Party but it is a party by the Fans of Indira Congress. I will write a post in detail about the present Duplicate Congress in my next Post. Do Not Fail to Read.
Now Including Prime Minister is calling Anna and team for Negotiations because to save themselves from any future problems from statutory authorities.
Now Negotiations with The present Government is not at all necessary. Make a full stop for Negotiations in any type or form or in term. This is my advice to Anna and His Team.
If you want to save India and change India as corruption free to clean India than a New Government is the only solutions.
Anna Must not believe the Parliament members Now. Statutory authorities are with Parliamentarians.
President is appointed by selection by Congress leader Sonia Gandhi and UPA and NDA. so President will be partial in dealing with you.
Because all depends with in their understanding in the Parliament.
Once again I like to say President Of India did not commented the urgency of Justice on Hasan ali case, Adarsh Flats case, 2G spectrum case is on proceeding over six years,(in Tamil Nadu Many Tamil Magazines may support D M K say That Mr.Rasa awaiting over a long time in Tihar jail for withdrawal of the case if not he is going to reveal all details about 2G spectrum and the share amount received by all Leaders and Ministers in the Government , he added in that news in all Magazines at Tamil nadu.
so corruption can not be swiped by Congress party Because it may be most of the congress persons are with corruption Money and assets.
The People of India must Pressure Anna and His Team to Go for a New Political Party , which is the Only solution and way to Corruption free India. I am ready to drive International support and UN O support.
Anna must suspend his Fasting because for these constructive steps for developments. Prime Minister and others are all having all But apart from this Team rest of the people in 120 crores ,we know we are in depth of the Poor and poverty. No employment to New Generations by the present government is a failure of teh Government ,for that the government must resign, I will say this.
as my conclusion here today I request Anna to come out of the Fasting and in consultation with supreme court authorities who all with Fear and responsibility and Love Generations to come ,in making New India.
Congress and NDA may offer you Next Presidential office offer to put an end to the problems and to continue their fishing ,a big reward to you.Please do not fall in line with the Parliament Now.
Aruna a social activist say Parliament and standing committee is important. all these days where she has Gone. She may be interested to get Padma Bhushan or any awards like that so she is commenting now. People Must not believe Congress Party in India Today.
Present parliament Must step down or to get dissolved is the people demand in India.
Anna Must not spoil his health is my concern.
Thanks for connecting with me.
Friday, August 19, 2011
getpaid atLink: Government looks for Anna Death
Hi this is about Arvind Kejriwal is wrong
Hi this is about Arvind Kejriwal is wrong . He said today to press and media that Government is promoting corruption. No it is Not. Government may not be interested in promoting corruption. Because Government is already shacked by Corruption's charted By auditors.
Why supreme court is keeping quite on the comments by auditor reports on the Common Wealth Games case released recently ,and supreme court is delaying 2G case is alo Known To people of India.
People Think and say why Supreme Court is not intervening on Jan Lokpal Bill ?
why supreme Court is not called by Government of India in analyzing the Lokpal Bill? Because Government has no faith on Supreme court is the Knowledge given to people of India. Supreme court already said that supreme court has no objection in bringing judges in the purview of Jan Lokpal bill.
So Government is doing all drama till date to safe guard the Corruptive team members from the matters accordingly is well known to people of India.
atom bomb blast
Hi this is about atom bomb blast by India.
war ,arms and ammunitions are must be in the secondary interest ,first must be People life with out Poverty. This is teh world need on date to face the growing population.
atom bomb blast test first in the administration of Indira Gandhi late is a wrong Move.
atom Bomb Blast test by Mr.Abdul Kalam Team in Atal Bihari Vajpayee Government in India was a second wrong Move.
We in India need to eradicate poverty. for that scientists are not working and unwantedly scientists who work for atom bomb and other damaging matters will collapse people life and living things on the earth is an utter waste expense.
we saw US and Russia were the super powers once. than what happened is also witnessed by people on the earth. Russia dismantled because the lapse in Unity in the country,US may be a super power but when it could not avoid the Twin tower attack and could not save people from the Drastic collapse. Few Brutal claimed many lives in this attack and it lead to financial crisis. so Nations in the world has to care their people and their Living .arms and others are must be secondary.
How the Brutal attacked the Twin Tower? Because of Misuse of Technology and its developments is a lesson from this incident to the people on the earth.
So it is learnt by other people that no one can be a super Power Than God.
why Jan Lokpal Bill is not accepted by Government?
Hi this is about why Jan Lokpal Bill is not accepted by Government?
Yes! Government will not agree on Jan Lok pal bill by Anna Hazare.
why? Anna united the Nation for a common social cause. We know Government is applying Divide and rule Policy on all matters in India. So Government is always against to see India in United.
Government never agree on good things which promotes people life is the curse to India.
Mrs Indira Gandhi was told to be a Bold Lady and her administration was also told Good but what happen to her against Mr.Morarji desai an old Gandhian of a Janata Party in India.
Mrs.Indira Gandhi and her Indira Congress was completely defeated by people of India and elected Janata party under the leader ship of Morarji desai.
Morarji desai brought many changes which helped People of India in their Living. He brought down the Gold Price to the Lowest and it was Rupees 1500/= per sovereign (8Grams). People life was very Good.
He did not tested atom bomb,but he touched human lives. Indira Gandhi can not be told that she has cared people properly ,she failed in few areas what Morarji desai catches and helped people in survival.Her interest is to Move at par with US and Russia the super Powers of that time in the world.
Except God No one is super Power , when they think super power they dragged down to Low level by the God.
Similarly a government by Ex Reserve Bank Governor and a Nominated M.P of Rajya Sabha is the prime Minister and who can not able to go with Jan Lokpal bill.
Prime Minister is worried about Anna .India is behind Anna it will be shown in a election and not now .
Government looks for Anna Death
Hi this is about Government looks for Anna Death.
Government wants to kill Jan Lokpal Bill. Jan Lokpal means Anna and Anna means Jan Lokpal Bil.
Prime Minister is not Going To allow himself in the purview of Lokpal Bill But says he is also a citizen of India and He takes care people of India. what a fun.
First The Government Ministers and Government said that One man Mr. Anna can not Pressure the Government on this Lokpal Bill with out understanding that he is India.
Now Anna is allowed to go for fast at Ramlila Maidan.
He is more than 70 Years. so he can not go for fasting for a Long period is the expectation of the Government. Also Government expects that Anna will get in to ill health on which using the name treatment Government may do anything to Anna.
In this fast at Ramlila Maidan Government may find People crowd may be reducing or Not increasing on every day. So it does not mean that Anna is not India. In India people have faith in Democracy. so they want Anna to Form a Political Party and it is the only way to move the cunning Congress in to a huge defeat.
In The next election, present Congress set up of People will face a Massive defeat. This congress party Today and people in that now will definitely have their Political career end.
Today Government wants people opinion on Janlokpal Bill. On people recommendation from supporting opinions ,Do the Government will quit? No . will the government Going to accept the Jan Lokpal Bill Drafted by Anna.
Government would have done all suitable arrangements to send opinions not in favor of Anna's Janlokpal Bill.
Will Anna succeed in his aim? Yes he will , because People never Fail.He is the people of India.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
getpaid atLink: Anna sleep at Jail
Anna sleep at Jail
Hi this is about Anna sleep at Jail, But People in Outside Does not sleep ,Because it is their issue and it is their life,and it is their problem and this is in their country.
Anna may sleep at jail but followers will not sleep and do all necessary at outside. They will not try to come inside. If they come inside then it may become a life problem to Recent prisoners on 2G spectrum case and Common wealth Games. statutory authorities , please do some thing, because Prime Minister and Government not know what is to be done? They are all not qualified Like Barack Obama of United States.
So People in India demand M.P's Must be Qualified like Barack Obama but Not to be Like ......!?
getpaid atLink: Citizens of India demand Resignation of the Govern...
Citizens of India demand Resignation of the Government
Hi this is about Anna refuses to leave the jail. Now Central Government and statutory authorities told by Prime Minister are in Confusion. They believe that what they did is wrong. Now how to get out of this problem is the question in all minds of parliamentarians.
why their is no shout from Kabil sibal Today?
He is Brave But not to do any thing which penalize people of India.
Parliamentarians are all Indians. They are also Citizen of India. Not from Heaven. So all Must come under all civil Law.
Now the auditor report on common wealth games created fear in the mind of many M.P's so they are not interested to Accept Prime Minister and supreme court in the purview of Lokpal bill. IF the accept it will be a great problem for tomorrow in their life.
Citizens of India demand Resignation of the Government, because they Know pretty well that this Government will not be dismissed by President office.
Prime Minister replied to Anna for his recent letter that statutory authorities has to be asked for details.
But Parliament Ministers say that Prime Minister and Supreme court Must not come under the purview of the Bill.
so the reply of the prime Minister and the concern by Ministers about Lokpal bill Purview is a confusion to people of this world.
Any thing goes wrong to Anna Hazare health than Tihar Jail may be in Problem In a short time from Now. So the prisoners in Tihar Jail may try to escape/appeal or they may have fear about their life safety.
Government is not sure about safety of Tihar Jail prisoners that includes the latest prisoners from tamil Nadu. what will happen? what ever may happen?
Election and voting are all becoming a foolish act in Democracy
Now Anna Hazare will demand to Know How Long a Nominated M.P can be allowed to be the Prime Minister. ?
For this Anna Request answer from Mr.Ramjet malani and shanti Bhushan and other legal Gaints in India and Press and Media .
while a Nominated M.P can be the Prime Minister for Five years in Indian Democracy Than what is the Value of democracy? why people to vote ? Election and voting are all becoming a foolish act in Democracy. People Must think do we need this type of democracy are can we change laws in constitution ? Pleas think.
Than constitution need few changes with by laws from the parliament .
why statutory authorities are not filing case on this matter and not responding on this important matter? is really Creates Doubt of people in India on Statutory Authorities..
Nominating M.P's with the ratio of M.P's in Lok sabha to Rajya sabha is right.
But That Nominated M.P's not to be permitted to become Ministers. Than Democracy and Election in India is challenged.This is a wrong thing has to be addressed to people By Press and Media.By this action People and their Votes are becoming Invalid . people made fools. This should not be.
Let us have changes accordingly to add values to Democracy in Function.
People of India Say Thanks to election commission and commissioners and electoral officers for created a room for Non Corruption.
Election commission of India is the first office started toward Clean India, Not Anna Hazare. But Anna Hazare try to strengthen the Democracy and its Values.
Sincere Thanks to Election commission ad Anna Hazare.
Now it is Visible from the Faces of Parliamentarians , it is disturbed . They are all not in the right Track and it is understood from their activities in parliament Today.
Anna Hazare Shacked the parliament Today ,No Body can deny this.Other wise Corruption Disturbed the Parliament Today is witnessed by all Indians and people at the world. Only Mr.Pranab Mukerjee was quiet , because he is not in any Corruption records. Thanks to congress at least having One clean hand in Indian Government.
Anna + India = Clean Governance
Hi this is about Anna + India = Clean Governance.
Yes! Now Police appealing with a request to proceed the fast at Ram Lila Maidan.
Anna Likely to accept this request. Police arrest Anna is Not Correct as per Indians.
Indians like to Join their Hands with Anna Hazare in this fast .
Either Government must Go with the Draft of Lokpal Bill Prepared by Anna Team.
Otherwise Government will quit will be the next situation. As planets position The Government Can not survive after September 12th 2011.This is my Prediction. This will be yet another prediction messages from Prasanna Astrology from me.
In the Next election in December in India Congress will get M.P.'s in single Digit.
In Parliament Political Party by Anna Hazare will be the ruling and B J P will be the Opposition Party.
Now Mrs.Sushma Swaraj will not get elected. Already their is rumor that she does all Talk in Assembly with a good understanding with teh Prime Minister and she is not favoring B J P is the complaint. In Congress Mr.Pranab is not happy with the Congress actions against Anna Hazare.
Parliament is struggling due to the Auditor Report about Common wealth games.
Sheila Dixit is also not interested in Government. She know that Anna Government will definitely imprison her and many other Familiar Political Persons for Common wealth Games corruption.
Anna Hazare will get Non Residential Indians support in the election. He will be financed by Ramdev Trust and Ravi shankar Guruji Trust. These people have Huge Money and they will use this Money for throwing out The present Government and intended to bring Corruption Free Indian Government at any cost.
They will succeed. This is my Prediction. This will be the yet another right prediction for people of this world
getpaid atLink: Ovel Test Winner Tomorrow
This is the fourth test match and final between India and England. In this...
Ovel Test Winner Tomorrow
This is the fourth test match and final between India and England.
In this Test Match India is the winner.
India will Bat first and It will do well. In particular Goutham Gambir and Shewag will perform well. Once again Harbajan singh will not favor India.
Tomorrow Goutham Gambir will be the Man of teh Match. Sachin Tendulkar performance will be worst than ever.
Dhoni will not perform well in this match is also to be noted.
England will be defeated by india in this test Match.
This is my Prediction. as usual My prediction is Right on the Top. You can Bet if possible please donate to at for Cancer Treatment Purpose.
visit also for all details.Tuesday, August 16, 2011
getpaid atLink: Anna Hazare may be killed?
getpaid atLink: Judgment reserved to 2G spectrum case ?
Judgment reserved to 2G spectrum case ?
Hi this is about Judgment reserved to 2G spectrum case ?
Few Days back ,Though matters revealed by Rasa ex Minister of the same Government to C B I and to the court ,stated by Press and Media was that with the permission and approval of the than Finance Minister Mr.Chidambaram and The Prime Minister Mr.Manmohan singh.
Than on the next day to this comment Rasa reverted that the subject is known to them and and i do not want to say that they have approved ,is on the investigation by C B I and was given to the knowledge of people through press and media.
On this investigation proceedings Mr.Kabil sibal and few others from Congress and B J P party were fingered as connected in this Matter.
so all political parties rule he Nation Now in the parliament might have instructed/ordered to C B I and Statutory authorities to suspend the case for some time from investigation and proceedings by supreme court. so that their is no information from 2G corruption case.
Also Today Anna Hazare being taken in to custody to Tihar Jail is a shameful to All Politicians, because Tihar jail is a place for Only corruptive is as per court.Than why court allowed Police to take Anna to Tihar Jail. A curse in India is Law will work in Favor of People with Money and Power.
Ultimately the Present Union Government understood that the Government may not run for a fortnight so No action on 2G case and Common wealth Game case.
But Press and media must force the Government to proceeding of the cases. Because Supreme Court is the Top most statutory authority and Press and Media the fifth force on the earth is the super most people force to be given to Knowledge of this world often is the need of the time and situations.
The next Government By B J P is ruled out.
Possibility of Congress Rule again in India may be after a Decade ,and not at Times Now.
Anna Hazare will start a Political Party and His party will rule the Nation to make the country corruption free. This is going to happen . Rulers in Foreign countries must come forward to help Anna Hazare to make this change in India successfully and immediately.
Now India is like a metal in Hot condition in which you can do changes .Many politicians Today in Politics will also go out from Politics because they can not make money from political profession. So Press and Media must help This Movement to get succeed.
A humble request to Anna Hazare , Police is a Force Controlled by Government,they will obey the Government .But Government in its actions on many situations not respected Police is the History. But the police ,for this shame they do not get angry and encountered the matters. They always obey the Government is the Bad situation in India till Date.
So to work for the Nation and People , Anna Hazare must accept the orders and must come out of Prison,is a mandatory need for Indians.
Jai hind.
Anna Hazare may be killed?
Hi this is about Anna Hazare may be killed?.
Because Politicians in India were not supporting Anna Hazare . Politicians in India Today feels that Times of India going to change completely to reverse the present situation in administration Machinery.
Few foreign agents connected to Business and Industrialists may involve in a act to Kill Anna Hazare. If happens Once again India will Fail. A friendly country to India is Korea . In North Korea complete corruption less Governance is on. People and industrialists and others are all in happy Note. We Indian catch every thing from foriegners. so In corruptionless we can follow Korea ,they are engaging Missionaries for Training to countries with corruption less status.
Korea sent such Trainers to Pakistan to make the country as corruption free country . Now Anna Hazare kicked the Ball to role ,now this is the TIMES to Kick the same Ball by all Indians to make the country corruption free, than only India will survive to enjoy the freedom gained on 1947. After sixty five years a Light as broke out afetr Mahatma Gandhiji in India is Anna Hazare.
so it is the compulsory duty of Every Indian to realize teh need to support to him to make the country corruption free.
getpaid atLink: Anna Hazare Life in Danger?
Because Till yeste..."
Anna Hazare Life in Danger?
Hi this is about Anna Hazare Life in Danger?
Yes! Union Government would be knowing about Anna Hazare Life in Danger?.
Because Till yesterday No one from B J P commented on this proceeding by Anna Hazare. Today after the arrest of Anna Hazare B J P leader Gadkari speaks to press and media and objected the arrest.
This is not fair in the Part of B J P. Also after arrest Three Ministers meet press and media and answers to the questions in Live is a fun. They say that their parliament session must resume Tomorrow. Today No Legal authorities asked Parliament to suspend. Congress and UPA avoided the parliament Assembly today because to avoid unanswerable questions and heat Hours.
Parliament Money and Time is wasted by all M.P.'s.
Anna Hazare begins fast in police custody after arrest.he was arrested for sticking to his plan to defy prohibitory orders. |
When British Government ruled Indians People raised their voice under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhiji.
Gandhiji informed about all his proceedings to Government. British Government people are not taken action against Mahatma Gandhi because of the application of Non-Violence methods in the protests.
Here today Anna hazare also intended to apply only Non Violence method in doing Fast to achieve the Lokpal Bill as drafted by his team.
He say that All Indians must come uder the purview of the Bill. Once Prime Minister has commented that Prime Minister can also be added in the Purview of the bill. But after few Hours Ministers like Narayana swamy and others started telling repeatedly That prime Minister and Supreme court Judges are to exempted from the purview of the Bill. so People clearly Understood this is a Drama by prime Minister .
Like Gandhiji Anna Hazare would have been allowed to do the protest by Fasting.
In this Possibility of problems to Police and Government and statutory authorities is zero level.
But Gandhiji was killed by a RSS activist is a news or rumor ,prevails even today. Similarly Anna hazare may be killed by B J P and entire wrong notations in this regard will fall on Congress is may b teh fear with Congress.
The ultimate result is The Lokpal bill by Anna hazare will not be accepted by Union Government is confirmed and the Union Government will be forced by an All India protest to resign may be the result.
Now Anna Hazare started fast at jail. but it is not safe for his life , in the name of treatment any possible wrong medicinal treatment is possible,so People of India will loose Anna Hazare. This will be a fate and curse to Indians .
Monday, August 15, 2011
Indira Gandhi Dismiss M G R Government
Hi this is about Indira Gandhi Dismiss M G R Government . Yes! at that time M G R party A I A D M K has got defeated to Congress and D M K Alliance.
Because The election is for Union Government,so People at Tamilnadu posted their votes to Congress and its allied parties. But this was misrepresented with a say that is M G R cine fame attraction at People of Tamil Nadu has ended.And The Government was dismissed. But M G R won the next immediate election with a Thumping Majority and D M K won in only 13 M.L.A. seats.
In That a rumor was Mr.Karunanidhi last at Horbour constituency. But The opponent was asked to with draw from the election by M G R ,so to have Karuna at State Assembly. so 13 M.L.A 's from D.M.K. were represented because of Dismissal.Because of Many Programme as welfare measures ,Congress may code the funds from Backward and scheduled caste welfare measure fund is misused so dismissal of Tamil nadu Government is unavoidable and few other reasons.
Now the state Government is also a Victory to M.G.R. If Union Government dissolve the state Government than the next victory to M G R - A I A D M K party will be win at 234 seats.India’s Jasmine moment!
I believe Mr.Manmohan singh will Think on this and react