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Friday, September 30, 2011
getpaid atLink: Sonia Gandhi’s illness
Sonia Gandhi’s illness
If you want to read the post in full please visit. In India, several politicians have thrived even when they were in physical distress. Jayaprakash Narayan inspired the movement against the Emergency from a hospital bed, while M G Ramachandran and M Karunanidhi, both crippled by severe diseases, have ruled Tamil Nadu well into their late years. Rajinikanth recently came back from Singapore, and his problem remains undisclosed to this day, but his fans remain steadfast.
The question of whether it is ethical to publish details of a newsmaker's illnesses remains, but the illness itself is no big deal in India. Politicians have such tenacity that they can swing things in the world out there even when they lie motionless in hospital beds or sit breathless in wheelchairs.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
getpaid atLink: War for Prime Minister Chair started at B.J.P.
War for Prime Minister Chair started at B.J.P.
yes! Modi by not attending the Rata Yatra proposal meeting by advani held at his House gives a room for a news that say that Modi wants to become Prime Minister of India.
Though L.K.Advani may be a senior Leader he is trailing behind Modi on one matter that is L.K.Advani birth place is Pakistan. This is a natural things happened at the time of Independence. But this is the matter revealed by Mr.Modi and his people. when A person/women is allowed to select and nominate President and Prime Minister of India of her own choice by which Democracy in India was shattered /it is like a blast in Democracy and its values. This is just despot rule running in India and not Democracy is very clear in the mind and knowledge of People in India Now.
So L.K.Advani shall contest for Prime Minister Office, is correct. ,Provided he is also a aged and matured man and Politician in India so he must be interested in offering a Clean Government by joining his hands with Mr.Anna Hazare.
But It does not mean he will go against India. He is the right person for prime Ministerial candidate , because if Indians look for Saving Indian cultural Heritages and growth in the Life of all Indians that he has to become Prime Minister of India is Mandatory.
Modi can be the deputy Prime Minister. Modi will give possible threats and clashes between Hindus and Islam and Christian people. Train accident at Gujarat in Modi rule is a black mark for ever to his career. so he can not get attached with all by using a word secular.people say if this happens than constitution and the Preamble of Constitution will have no Values in Indian Democracy.
so Modi is disqualified for Prime Minister Position. on their few leaders like sushma swaraj wear locked in Mine sandals at Katakana.
But The Yatra by L.K.Advani is a wrong Move which will result in negative vote.
He need to meet people in all villages and cities of India for he has to arrange a Tour assignment. Yatra will avoid or reduce the possibilities of swallowing in the Different kind of problems by different sections of people in all over the country.
Also Yatra is a fixed Travel may give option for brutal killing. why because but in meeting people by different modes of Transport will not allow /minimize the possibility of any brutal attempts. Must agree that ,
In B J P rule Bomb Blast happened in Huge Number in India. so some one from B J P may try to attempt on Advani. so safety is most wanted. My strong Advice to L.K.Advani is not to keep faith/over confidence on B.J.P. party people also. why because we do not know what is in the mind of whom? if necessary I am ready to assist Mr.Advani on his career. The problem in the B J P Party can be sorted out easily after Resuming the Office of prime Minister is my belief.The problems in B J P party is like a clash between children in a family,so it can be sorted out by the head of the Family.
My Best wishes to L.K.Advani.
Anil Thirubhai Ambani By C.B.I.
One thing is very clear . here as per the message on press and Television News say , the only probe pending by C.B.I is on Mr. Ambani (Late). Ambani is not alive,only His sons are operating the Business started by him. and these people did not know any thing about any under dealings with the Ministers of the concerned of that time , will be a closure statement of this Probe.
Good Luck and best wishes to Law in India and Union Government and Politicians of opposition Parties.
People know No politicians will say any thing against Ambani group.
China on Space
Next to United States and Russia Now china launched a satellite to have a space station of its own.
This is a first step towards victory. And second will be ,china is going to rule the world from Space.
Chinese are Hard workers and want to make their nation on top in Technology.
Where as India Purchased Huge arms in 2010 and stood first in Rank in arms buying.
United states sold arms to many countries and stood first in the world in sales of arms.
The doubt in this is;
after this sale of Huge arms must have floated huge revenue to United States than how the financial crisis not yet recovered? is their any corruption?
after the huge purchase of Huge arms by India , How it can be with out financial crisis. Is their any corruption in printing currencies?
Both are ridiculous things happened in this world.
Taiwan a small country purchased arms and stood in the second Rank in the world. Iran on the third rank and Pakistan on fourth Rank.
so all these shows a definite of wrong account actions in Balance sheets of these countries would be the Only way to be out of financial crisis.This is people say.
getpaid atLink: scandal in Banks
scandal in Banks
Hi this is a post as a prediction my part posted on 7/12/11. now you all find problems in all countries. Further to this before 6th December 2011 you can view many more on this same bank scandal matters.
wht happened to 40,000crores assets belongs to sathya sai Baba of India? He is a sage ,so assets by a trust and now after his death No one has taken action on this asset to come in to the Government Treasury, because this is Public Money.
One Iyyengar Company Owner's were in repeated occupy the Cahirman of this trust. why , government is not inetevening on this matter? No probe by C.B.I.
Already their is rumor that a automobile company in Mount Raod at chennai in India enjoy a Land worth in many crores belongs to a Islamic owner with out legal heirs.
Islamic owner was dead so the land was aquisitioned by this Company,why Government allow this is also a question in this rumour.
Heavy Rain fall will shatter China
Hi this is about Heavy Rain fall will shatter China,yes. huge loss to the country is expected. country must arrange to inform people about safety living still 31st December 2011.
getpaid atLink: Female Leader in this Country Must be very careful...
Female Leader in this Country Must be very careful?
This is a prediction from me about ,Female Leader in this Country Must be very careful? Now Planet Rahu position is not in Favourable. It is weak.
saturn is also not in favour.
For exmple in Andhra Telangana state will be decided at Parliament before the end of October.
Female leader who is hailing on health grounds must be very careful otherwise their is a possibility the end of the life. This is need up to 6th December 2011.
afterwards every thing in the country and in the world will start towards positive approaches and growth.
But before 6th December the possibility of dissolving the present Union Government and fesh elections are very bright. So The present Government must be very polite and calm in handling all matters. otherwise its own party person will make a wy to death of this Government.
top politicians and bureaucrats in financial scandals
Hi this is about top politicians and bureaucrats in financial scandals.This applies to thw orld ,here I predicted for India exclusively .
Mercury in the tenth House in combustion and it is an indication of scandals by politicians and Industrialists.
SEBI ,reserve Bank, and Banks may be found in Scandals or financial scams.
scandal by highly spiritual leaders can be expected.
Barack Obama to chnage his Name!
Hi this is about Barack Obama. Yes! he need to change his name as Barak obama. First for 45 days he need to write his name as Barak Obama. This will give a maasicve changes in his rule. He can also get in to the office victorious for the second time as President of US.
This is a change he can try as a trial by writing his name in a dairy. every day he need to write his name for 33 times.
He can reply on result addressing on theis change.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
getpaid atLink: War on China?
getpaid atLink: Closure of Nuclear Plant at Kudangulam denied by P...
Closure of Nuclear Plant at Kudangulam denied by Prime Minister!
Yes people in those surroundings were totally disturbed because of this Nuclear Plant set up and its arrangement for opening.
People from all communities joined their hands with the Fisherman who went on fasting demanding the closure of this plant.
People were promised that this matter will be considered after the return of Mr.Manmohan Singh to India from U.N.O. meet.
But Today Prime Minister ruled out the closure of this Nuclear Plant.
If people raise their voce on this issue than it will produce a negative waves to the Ruling Party, A.I.A.D.M.K. in the forth coming elections for Corporation and Panchayat Boards.
So the ruling party will try to go with the people of Tamilnadu on this issue.
Now people at this area wish to demand that Union Government must shift the parliament to this area and Union Government has to arrange residential accommodation Quarters to all M.P.’s, in addition to this a residential quarters to all scientists who recommend this Nuclear plant safety to live with the people of this area is the wish of this people live in the surroundings.
On these developments people of this area were ready to believe the safety commitments from the governments.
If the above said demands are not met by the Government than People of Tamilnadu will not allow this Nuclear Plant opening.
So Union Government may not be interested to see the tough Tamilnadu people is the feeling of all Indians in India. Tamil Nadu people are not interested on projects like this.
War on China?
Hello welcome to this new post is about War on China?
Yes! Few days back few army people from china entered in the border areas of India and left the drawing of star design of china logo and also desperately smashed the created hiding ditches of Indian army. Than it has been noticed by Indian army and all these matters were set right.
Government of India expected that china may be taking few arrangements to war on India. So it flashed this news to Press and media. But people of India and press and media Know that China has already committed to develop its bi lateral relations Cordially on Border countries as well as with the countries wish to join hands with china. This was confirmed by a sweet invitation by its Prime Minister to this world.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
getpaid atLink: Mideast peace talks 'must resume'
Mideast peace talks 'must resume'
This is yet another success on the earth toward peace treaty.
After a Long time U.N.O. realized its presence in this world and now the chair Person Mr.Banki Moon secretary general of U.N.O. Urging for arrive a peace Treaty Between
Israel and Palestine
This is a good beginning by U.N.O.
The Middle East Quartet urges Israel and the Palestinians to resume peace talks within a month, after the Palestinians ask the UN to recognize their state.
Israel and Palestine must find mistake on each other, so that this amicable settlement through a Peace treaty is possible.
In Particular, Palestine must show their Respect to their beloved Leader Mr.Yasar Arafat.
After his death such a long Gap to delay the peace settlement is a wrong thing on both sides.
Now both countries must realize the importance of an agreement to be arrived for the sake of people in both countries.
Thanks to Mr.Banki Moon and U.N.O.
getpaid atLink: Russia against Putin
Russia against Putin
The time has come to have a women president at russia. Yes I like to predict that valentina Matviyenko can contest in the Presidential Election at Russia against Putin. she will have a massive victory.
the news at is Valentina Matviyenko is now the most powerful woman in Russia since Catherine the Great.
Valentina Matviyenko, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin and former governor of St. Petersburg, just became the most powerful woman in Russia since the rule of Catherine the Great.
for complete details visit
Monday, September 26, 2011
getpaid atLink: Putin says thinking about 2012 election
Putin says thinking about 2012 election
Hi this is about a Political mater of Russia Today to the world from Reuters.
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and President Dmitry Medvedev are already considering their roles in the 2012 presidential election, Putin told French media Wednesday.
Both have decided exchange their Portfolio.
Putin, the country's most popular politician, can run for president again in 2012 and stay in power until 2024 if he wins two more terms, extended under new rules to six years is may be His dream.
This will be a Dream for ever.
Yes! Read my prediction about the result of this Election.
President Dmitry Medvedev in his contest for Prime Minister Election He will face Failure . This failure will be with Minimum Vote diffrence. But His Failure is Definite.
Comin to Prediction about Putin:
Mr.Putin will face a Massive Defeat on this Election for President Post.
His failure can not be Over looked by any force/power.
I am sure Mr.Putin Defeat on this Forth coming election is definite. Defeat of Putin, the country's most popular politician in the up coming election is definite
May Please wait and watch this yet another right Prediction from me.
Nobel Peace Prize
Hi this is about a sad demise of environmentalist from NAIROBI, Kenya — Wangari Maathai. the Kenyan environmentalist who began a movement to reforest her country by paying poor women a few shillings to plant trees and who went on to become the first African woman to win a Nobel Peace Prize, died here on Sunday. She was 71.
This is a Last to thsi world which is continue its raid on environment.
Thanks to Nairobi for giving such a Good Human.
Thanks To Nobel Prize committe for identifying such a good human to this earth By awarding to a right person is to be appreciated.
I like to appreciate the Nobel Prize committe on this regard. a awareness on this matter very much a need to this time on the earth.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
getpaid atLink: Union Ministry shuffling Likely?
Union Ministry shuffling Likely?
Hi this is about Union Ministry shuffling Likely?
Yes! as soon Prime Minister of India returns to Home , possibility of a Ministry shuffling.
With the Trend in politics today Mr.Pranab Mukerjee may put his paper for resignation, so Prime Minister may ask Mr.Chidambaram to take Finance Ministry as an addiotional portfolio ,it is likely.
At last satelitte to fall to earth where is known!
Hi this is about At last satelitte to fall to earth where is known!
Nasa says its six-tonne UARS satellite penetrated the atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean early on Saturday.
The spacecraft was expected to fall to Earth by about 0500 GMT - officials say it is not possible yet to give a precise time.
Thanks to By Jonathan Amos
Science correspondent, BBC News, for the effort taken to give such a good news.
so people must be happy about it. this is a great relief from NASA to people.
Friday, September 23, 2011
getpaid atLink: Convert Black Money to white - start a News Paper
getpaid atLink: War against Pakistan is expected by Afghanisthan!
getpaid atLink: satelitte to fall on earth is the location is on I...
getpaid atLink: Hasan Ali - Black Money King killed?
War against Pakistan is expected by Afghanisthan!
Hi this is about War against Pakistan is expected by Afghanisthan!
This is a issue of war against pakistan by Afghanisthan is the next expected Danger on the earth.
Convert Black Money to white - start a News Paper
Hi this is about Convert Black Money to white - start a News Paper?
Yes! This is a way used a tactics by politicians and rich people. they start publish Magazines and News Paper with a low Price per copy.
In a short Time , this News Paper Publisher and that news paper will start claiming the Number one Position in Circulation Numbers also.
Here we people has to confirm this Numbr one in circulation of copies to people by In come Tax department is a need of this time.
Press and Media has to get confirm about the right proprotion of tax amount on the Total number of issues sold and claimed against Number one in circulation .
people expect a support to provide this information to people by press collected from income tax department .
satelitte to fall on earth is the location is on India or in Indian Ocean by NASA
Hi this is the latest update from NASA scientists Room says about satelitte to fall on earth is the location is on India or in Indian Ocean by NASA. This is on a Live stream in Television.
I like to say that this satelitte will fall to earth in a country while in a Night a session of that country. This is a danger . People Must be careful.
US and NASA hides the exact Location where the satelitte to fall on earth , though they Know about it?
Hasan Ali - Black Money King killed?
Hi this is a time to talk about Anti corruption started in Tamil Nadu.
1. election commission will do their raids for the next few days in all means and ways to stop Money distribution for voting.
2. Income Tax people started supporting Anna Hazare and started their wok vigorously from Down south of Tamil Nadu.
Day before yesterday a Panchayat Board engineer was arrested for a wrong move with a Engineering Plan.
yesterday for a electricity connection an engineer in T.N.E.B while collected bribe was arrested.
al these are right but People in India and in Tamilnadu talk in town about Hasa Ali.
Their is a rumor they talk that is Hasan Ali - Black Money King killed? ,Is it True?
Few other people say no , no, Hasan Ali will be enjoying life at swiss and he may join with the Leaders at U.N.O. meeting. May be a chance.
President sata
Hi this is about president sata. he was held in a country for more than 90 days and on a assasination trial.
Potest against sata was very serious at that time . so he flawn to saudi arabia from Yeman.
Reading the sitaution now he revert back to Yeman. Yeman is a country where Alquaida is very strong foundation. Also it is a well known fact that Soudi Arabia is a country which gives rooms Terrorists to florish and Properous.
I have Predicted that in all Middle east countries People turn against violent to Despotic rule by Sheiks. They will be demanding People rule and not the rule by Rich people. All these years they were ruled by sheiks has created a deep pain and wounds in their thoughts and now they are going for demanding democracy
People will be success. I believe that Mr.sata may be killed by brutal people.
Yeman,Behrain and other countries in Row to demand a change in Rulers and in Ruling system.
This is my Prediction , This is a right prediction which you people will acknowledge in a near future.
getpaid atLink: Bomb in cinema near you
Bomb in cinema near you
Hi this is about Bomb in cinema near you! yes,
This is the news I saw in sun TV. The sun TV network is a big one and with many channels in all states in their regional languages is a sate of art in Television net work. Now this is owned by Kalanidhi Maran.
But I saw a news in sun tv say that Bomb in cinema near you.
It does not mean you all stopped from watching Movies. No Not at all.
This is a Movie release by Sun Pictures starring Vishal as Hero. This is going to be in cinemas near you. The cinem name is Bomb yes in Tamil picture named as Vedi.This picture is looking for hit not blast.
Blogger Buzz: Your images never looked so good
getpaid atLink: latest Update on satelitte to fall on Earth in whi...
latest Update on satelitte to fall on Earth in which country?
Hi this about latest Update on satelitte to fall on Earth in which country?
Yes! It is south africa and Nigeria and the countries surounded here are going to get damaged.
Lakhs and Lakhs of people are expected to die with in no seconds because of satelitte dash on the earth.
NASA say this . satelitte is very near to earth .in few hours it will dash on earth.
getpaid atLink: slip of Tongue
slip of Tongue
Hello this is about slip of Tongue. Yes! some time t happenes ti many brilliant people also. yesterday to press release by a chief Minister telling that P.chidambaram has to resign becuase of his involvement in 2G spectrum from Finance Ministry. But Mr.Chidambaram is Looking after Home Minister. Pranab Mukerjee is looking after Finance Minister. so Finance minister to resign may be taken in to cinsdiration and Mr.pranab has t o resign.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
getpaid atLink: Six Room in Anantha Padmanaba swamy temple Opened?...
Six Room in Anantha Padmanaba swamy temple Opened?
Hi this is about Six Room in Anantha Padmanaba swamy temple Opened?
Yes! Knowledge given to this world that Anantha Padmanabha swamy Temple in Kerala State in India had six secret Rooms in its inside premises.
From that Five rooms opened and found Gold coins,Gold jewelry and Diamond Jewelry were found enormous ,and exact value of this is not declared till date by Government or by team Team investigated these five rooms out of six.
Few say it is worth about Five crore Lakhs.
Now it is under question Mark andin a case at Supreme court to get an order to open the sixth Room.
Court has not issued an order yet to open the sixth room.
What is the sixth room?
The sixth Room is a Tunnel way to Thiruvangoor Samathanam. so that the room is not opened.
Smasthanam and others can make entry through this Tunnel passage and take any amount of Jewels on any day.
so The Sixth roo is not yet opened. after all Jewels looted by thiefs than Government of India and Kerala state Government will ask for a Probe By C.B.I.
people Talk in India say why Government has not taken those treasure to Government of India Treasury?
People Talk in India why C.B.I. Has not been asked to under go investigation on this?
Is their any secret Plan going on to loote This ?
Is it the conversion of 2G Spectrum Money kept in these rooms of this Temple?
People awaits to get answer for these questions.
getpaid atLink: First Victim Will Be Twitter
getpaid atLink: I.T.Industries Employees blogs and ofers for earni...
I.T.Industries Employees blogs and ofers for earning!
Hi this is about No offer's to Blog and No earnings to blogger !
Yes! This is a Practically observed Information by me. Many bloggers like me need tutorials , so it takes a long way to reach the Google rank and consequest offers from Advertisers Panel.
On the Other Hand this is very simple and easy to many people who are engaged in I.T.Industries.
for example ; Recently I made a visit to my Uncles Daughter's House. I can visit the house to meet them only after 6Pm on any Day. My Uncles Daughter is engaging a High Profile with M.E Qualification at Wipro. Her Husband is at a high rank than Project Leader in Ambathtur. She is working at Thuraipakkam.Both are availing Company Car for To and Fro.
Her Fatherin law a Central Government employee residing at G.N.Chetty road next to a resident of a famous cine Director.He get pension about he do not spend also he will not donate to any one.
The cruel part in this matter is they have three Laptop's and one Desktop in their Home with broad brand wireless connections. In the evening when I visited their House No one is interested to spare more than 5minutes with me. surch urgency was found in them, This is because to catch offers from advertisers.
All three Laptop's and A Desktop were kept ready for this Purpose. My feeling is Already they are recieving huge revenue from I.T.Industry and in the evening in a Hour or Two they get earnings from advertisers .
so I like to suggest advertisers and sponsors may consider to do an automatic arrangements by a software to release offers on any time between 10.30 A.M. and in the evening between 3P.M to 5.30P.M.
This may be a help to Bloggers who depends on their Blogs exclusively for their earnings. This is also a Human cause.People are very Greedy so Companies may take such diversification in Their Business to help bloggers in promoting Business.
First Victim Will Be Twitter
Hi this is a opinion of Mr.Evangelos Papathanassiou -First Victim Will Be Twitter.
He further says Ever since the launch of Google+, Facebook keeps rolling out new features and product developments, and obviously there is even more to come.
Facebook is going through all changes because it believes this will improve the product, obviously.
To my Opinion, Twitter is also going through all changes drastically to prove its importance.
facebook gives out our messages as it is. but Twitter have auto shortening process.
But I believe Both social Net work connects people and with out any use to people,where as at offers an opportunity to earn for survival will be agreed by all.
I look for a place on Both Social Net work to get connect with Bloggers and word press blogs to link with advertisors at a Low cost.
For putting the link at twitter and facebook in link and comments about any advertisement may be allowed to get earnings ,not les than $1.
If Both social Network may prepare to take my advice and creating agreements with and ,will pave way for additional revenue to Both Companies/sites and also a way to earn by bloggers.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
getpaid atLink: Corporation election is Doubtful?
Corporation election is Doubtful?
Hi this is about Corporation election is Doubtful?
Yes! Yesterday Election commission announced dates for corporation and local Body elections in Two Phase. (on Two Dates)
But the opposition parties said that it will not take place as per the schedule?
People expected that the ruling Party will suspend once again M.L.C in the state like Mr.M.G.Ramachandran Late the ex chief Minister of Tamil Nadu.
Marudoor Gopalan Ramachandran popularly Known as M.G.R vanish this M.L.C. stating this as an unwanted expense to Government and it is a step to create confusions on many matters which will not allow to go for a decision.
But cleverly Prime Minister left to U.N.O for a meeting on the other Hand Election Commission has announced the election dates with a short time Notice. Parties like D.M.K. are not in a position to put a stop for this election because their Good in relation Partner-Congress Party leader is involved in Sikkim relief measures.
Also all the parties supported D.M.K. are now separated and they do not want to tie with D.M.K. and Leading Political Leaders of D.M.K. who can work for the election are now in prison.
So People of Tamil Nadu say, An Unwanted election announced by Election Commission on this situation will bag another Landslide Victory to A.I.A.D.M.K.
getpaid atLink: Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt
Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt is Right
Hi this is about a wrong message.
WASHINGTON - Google is confident that U.S. antitrust regulators will clear the search giant of any wrongdoing, Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt will tell a congressional panel.Hello to Schmidt your are prefectly allright.Thanks.
This is a sensational statement and A right passion in Business. Very Good . This is my feeling.If US Government say any thing wrong against than it is a mistake of the Government. World will Not accept all these.
The wrong message is,Google has been broadly accused of using its clout in the search market to stomp rivals as it moves into adjacent businesses, like travel search. The Federal Trade Commission is looking into that charge, and others, including that Google manipulates its search result rankings to give preference to its own products.
The Right and the sensational expectation by a right Team at is "While no company would request such a government investigation, we are confident that our business practices will stand up to scrutiny," Schmidt said in written testimony submitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee's antitrust panel.
I believe and strongly recommend to whome so ever it may concern that is stricktly doing with in its Compny Norms and Regulations. I am a blogger in my experience with Last few years I never noticed any Bad doors or Bad experiences from Google. They are highly professional and They never go against Business ethics is my Strong comment to any one on this earth.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Laptop and I Pod at free of cost
Hi this is about Laptop at free of cost .
The message is a combination from two countries.
Yes! in India J.Jayalalithaa issue Laptop at Free of cost to selected school children and college students. This is a developements to Technology.
similarly Trimming Text Books for all schools on a common education scheme by Union Government through an Education Commission inagurated from 15th August 2011 by Prime Minister Mr.Man Mohan singh. This Education Commission Powers will be similar to Election Commission in India. The Trimmed Text Books will be issued to all school Children in all Schools in India by the Academic Year is the expectation from Prime Minister of India. Process for this going on.
In US ,Stephanie Reitz of Associated Press reports on the growing use of iPad in public secondary school is a growth toward technology.
Many U.S.Schools adding iPod and Trimming Text Books.
so this is a development process in education.
Monday, September 19, 2011
getpaid atLink: Kerala Statewide strike/Bandh for Price Hike on Pe...
Kerala Statewide strike/Bandh for Price Hike on Petrol?
Hi this is about Kerala Statewide strike/Bandh for Price Hike on Petrol in India?
Yes! This is a Good protest and a needed one if it is called on as a Nation wide.
But surprising on this strike is why Kerala alone went on strike on a common cause which affects the whole country and its economy, inflation and common man life.
This price hike affects the price of all food items.
Union Government of India said that this price hike unavoidable. Because Opposition parties, Politicians were not objected this Hike? Why? They may the owners of many petrol Pump stations directly or Binami, so they never object this matter in India. In B J P government Mr. Vajpayee government listed all Petrol Pumps and its owners from Political parties, which may be kindly, brought to the people Notice once again by Press and media is a request from People.
All right, Press and Media were also not showing interest on this matter to raise their voice appropriately to knowledge people to protest on this. This is ridiculous.
Transports in all form completely stationed to show the success of this strike at Kerala.
All Right, Here only I Doubt this strike and the Government. This strike may be exploitation. Because opposition Parties Ruling states Like Tamilnadu,Karnataka,orissa,Bihar,Gujarat west Bengal, Jammu Kashmir, Pondicherry and other states and their chief Ministers and their Ministers were all keeping a Pin Drop silent On this Petrol Price Hike Matter. Why? This is a shock to people like me in India.
Also I strongly suspect the Kerala Government? Kerala Government by Congress and Mr. Oman Chandi is the chief Minister of Kerala now.
Union Government is also by Congress. Being on both centers congress Rule, Mr.Pranab Mukerjee -Finance Minister has clearly told that Government is not in a position to revise the price.
On this reply a congress Government in a state opposing the congress Government at Center, It means Kerala Government may demand the Resignation of the Union Government? Or may be demanding Prime Minister Resign?
But my inner feeling and intuition say that the strike Today at Kerala is not for the above said reasons, than for what? (This may be your question now.)
The strike at Kerala my be an arrangement may be for a Gradual Loot of the 1 Lakh Crore’s worth of Gold , Gold jewelry and coins, Diamond Jewelry from Anatha Padmanaba swami temple. This has to be analyzed as a duty by Press and media in India and of the world and by good politicians in India is my Humble Request.
I strongly suspect this strike By Kerala Congress. Why Because Congress can not go against its own Policy with different strategy in different states and to different Politicians. Than it is like Floating fire on the head by themselves, or people use to say a proverb in India , that is,like an Elephant is showering mud on its head and Body by its own action .
What is going on in India in Congress has to be answered by congress politicians at Union Government, Also Authorities like Supreme Court may question why these types of strikes are permitted to cause damage on the economy of India. Inflation is increasing and by all these acts it will further increase. why Union Government must ask the Kerala Government why it went for Strike causing damage to Economy? I believe Supreme Court and opposition Parties will definitely question on this foolish act or it will try to dig the Truthfulness of the secret on this strike.
sikkim on earth quake!
hi this is about sikkim on earth quake! sikkim is a state of India is located exactly between Nepal and Tibet on both sides. China in its North Border and West Bengal in south to sikkim.
Now it has to be analyzed about Missile Tests by nations took place a day before 18.9.2011 at sikkim.
I observed few Missile tests by Pakistan Navy and China in the last few days. is those mobiles Targeted to Test fire below the sea or Land has to be analyzed.
The earth quakes are seems to be not natural , as per my view.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
getpaid atLink: Obama Tax Plan Would Ask More of Millionaires
getpaid atLink: Putting Parents in Charge
Putting Parents in Charge
hi this is about Putting Parents in Charge?
yes! In country Like India parents are directly take the responsibility of their children and deciding deciding what is a bad school, and what is a good one.
This is my answer to a question seeks opinion at Thanks for this opportunity.The question is ,
Are mothers and fathers capable of deciding what is a bad school, and what is a good one?
Here at India This is a Traditional Matter to Parents. Even the Grand father and Grand Mother were also entrusted in few families on this Job.
My Personal opinion on this as a parent , school does not do any thing. Only the Teachers who shine our children is the core matter. On this matter management by doing fewwrong actions may spoil children is also in the history.
In India Many presidents occupied Presidential office were from schools at Villages.
For more information , Only India in the world had a Teacher as President of the country. That is Sir survapalle Radha Krishnan .
Can you say any one as president from Teacher profession in any part of this world?
This is my question in turn to
readers may write your comments on this pleasant matter this includes editorial of
Obama Tax Plan Would Ask More of Millionaires
Hi this is about Obama Tax Plan Would Ask More of Millionaires. this is a right step. But many billioners who do business and evade tax to Government, which data has to be arranged to arrive by Obama Government is need of this same time.
Many Firms/companies with many names in operation but bring in the revenue in to one account and they do business in billions. example ; & sons account, or pay to account , or you will do a transaction in a firm and you will be paying to another firm through credit card/debit card ,with out knowing that you are aallowing that owner to evade tax to Government. By these acts Orignal transactions are not brought in to the Ledger account submitted to Income Tax - Goverenment. so A stern actio is a must than Government will get huge revenue on this taxation.
who is the Next Prime Minister of India?
who is the Next Prime Minister of India?
I already posted this question and demanded answer from you. but you are all waiting to answer for this question.
Now I would like to release the answer for you all.
Yes! Provided if My Advice's sent are being accepted by Anna Hazare than he will start a New Political party in India which is Mandatory , I clearly advised him about this through my Post.
So Think Now He has interest in starting a new political party.
so Anna Hazare will be the next Prime Minister of India. No doubt on this. So Congress and B J P will be wiped out from the chance.
Mr.Shanthi Bhusan will be the next Law Minister of India.
Mrs Kiran Bedi will be the next Dfenc Minister of India.
and kejriwal..... and others will be occupying post respectively.
This is Going to Happen and this is My yet another Right Prediction in Political History of India.
Narendra Modi races ahead?
Hi this is about Narendra Modi races ahead?
Yes! Diptosh Majumdar says at Times ,The likes of Lal Krishna Advani, Arun Jaitley, Rajnath Singh, Ravi Shankar Prasad were reduced to playing the role of support staff and cheerleaders. He make the above correct comment on the observation of a meeting .
the meetings are given below. also the image is added for your refference.
Gujarat CM Narendra Modi (R) addresses the crowds as Punjab state CM Prakashsingh Badal (2R), Arun Jaitley (3R), Ravi Prasad (2L) and Gujarat state speaker Ganpat Vasava (L) look at the Gujarat University Convention Centre in Ahmedabad on September 17, 2011.
Narendra Modi is the only person can lead B J P is the fate.
Because many Leaders of B J P are going to be in trouble if Amar singh opens his mouth said by Jayaprada M.P. and actress.
But Narendra Modi do not have the chance to become Prime Minister of India ,Unless he accepts the demands of Anna Hazare.
wait and see the next changes.
Danger to Bank Employees in India - An alert
Hi this is about Danger to Bank Employees in India - An alert.
The Central Bank of India spent Rs 5.33 lakh in a 10-year legal battle to avoid paying Rs 9.5 lakh as retirement benefit to an employee.
Normally in many cases Benefit goes to /Judgment in favor of Employee. But Now in India this judgment went against employee.
Bank spent 5.33 Lakhs, it means case matter is favourable to bank employee, and this information on Internet ,as judgment , alerts all bank employees . You may be ditched by your management because of a judgment like this. Here after for every matter this judgment will be considered. so this is not beneficiary to employee.
I request all Bank employees union and assosiations must go for a sipport to this victim who last Rs.9.5 lakh becus of central Bank of India Management.
so All Bank employees must get alert on this Judgment and to make your suport to this victim.Because spending such huge amount against an employee not to pay his claim of retirement Benefit about 9.5 lakhs by central Bank of India is a dangerous matter and it may be a sample to use against you all employees in Banking sector. Take care about your Retirement Benefits from your Bank Employed.
Make strong protest to show that management must not go for such wrong actions against their own employees that also on the matter of retirement Benefits. Please do not allow to continue this.
Also take this matter to Human rights council of India immediately to help that employees of your segment.
getpaid atLink: US President Mr.Barack Obama for the second Term!
US President Mr.Barack Obama for the second Term!
Hi this is about US President Mr.Barack Obama for the second Term!
Yes! He has selected a spresident of US in 2008 in a critical financial Position of US. He is Managing the situation with the proper advisors and advices in time.
He is not involving in any other country Matters is a credential to his administration .
His silent war on terrorism claimed the death of Bin Laden is the second credential.
Now with his new policies and programs for providing employment to many will be a successful.
But He has to open business out sourcing also simultaneously. after his presidential office Outsourcing business was stopped,it also reduced teh revenue to the country Treasury. so He has to allow out sourcing Buisness from other parts of the world is a nees ,I believe.
Now he is on the Third Year of his administration,Already I predicted that he will face health Problems due to food and also dangers from other country men .
On successful completion of this Third Year , People and senate will ask him to Contest for the second Term of his office.
On this He will Succeed is remarkable movement in his life and Americans.
New Zeaand 2011
Hi this is about New Zeaand 2011 rugbyworld cup at New Zealand is going to give a new dimension to Foot ball Once again. This time we are enable to watch the competition to took place in 4 pools. a,b,c,d, Pools sharing ten matches .it is contested every four years.
all right let me predict who is going to be winner in 2011 at New Zealand?
Yes! This time winner will be Japan. This is my prediction which will go right.Please watch and enjoy the Games at New zealand.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
something missing at US Technology
Hi this is about something missing at US Technology.Three killed in US air race crash.Three people die and 54 injured are taken to hospital, some in a critical condition,is the News available at bbe news.
But One day earlier to this incident China made a beauticul show with many risky styles of operation in using Helicofter at Air went very well.
So their is aomething missing at US Technology and it has to be corrected.
Friday, September 16, 2011
getpaid atLink: Helicofter show
getpaid atLink: Helicofter show
Helicofter show
Hi this a show by Helicofters yesterday By China . This tremndrous to watch. The technology is HIghly competitive. People in all Nations must grab this Technology from china with its permission.
Because Now we people find lot of Traffic disturbance due incresing Traffic on everyhour in all days continuously.
so Opening many companies to manufacture small helicofters is the next solution to All countries to meet out the growing Traffic problems.
Obama must believe that Americans also people
Hi this is about Obama must believe that Americans also people .Yes! US People must be allowed to observe and to do Business and Free Trade with China Because china with Huge Population on the earth facing all problems which are common to all countries but solving which is a great opening of Means. so this has to be captired.
First China can able to produce any matter at Low cost to reach all people in all community in the Human society,This is lagging in US and in all other countries.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Hi this is about flash news on Hockey Game. Recently Indian Hockey Team won the Asian chapionship Trophy defeating pakistan.
Hockey Assosiation paid 25000?- Rupees only. so Team Players hesitated to recieve this award. Mnay People film Industry and Industrialists were committed to Contribution, but on many Attempts this was remained,but No body interested to pay as committed. so Hockey Assosiation has No Money is answer from Hockey Assosiation, BUt Minister for sports MrMakkan paid 25 Lakhs to these winners.
Now The New insult to India becuase of Negligence of Union Government Next Hockey International competition shifted its venue fron India. This is a shame to India.
So Opposition Parties may Raise this as a question in Parliament as usual to add this also in their Drama. Because people Talk Both B J P and Congress works on a Understanding to exploit people in all Gathering everywhere in India.
This is my Hot Observation. So even for this Government will not Resign.
LaLast One day cricket Test Match between Engaland and India Result
Hi this is about Last One day cricket Test Match between Engaland and India Result.
Yes In this Last Match is a diferent one for Rahul Dravid from Indian Team. Because he is going to retire from Cricket after this Test Match.
But In this Last Test match alsoEngland Going to be the Winner.
But You can see few Good drives from Rahul dravid.
getpaid atLink: A Good Branch because I got Luck to be the head h...
getpaid atLink: Could there be a German 'Marshall Plan' for Europe...
getpaid atLink: People urge to see Sonia Gandhi?
Local Body Election Result for Tamil Nadu - 2011
Hi this is about Local Body Election Result for Tamil Nadu - 2011.
In Local Body Election wth a smooth sharing A.I.A.D.M.K and allied parties will dominate in major Number of Wards and this will be yet another spectacular Victory.
about 78% of wards in Local Bodies will give Results in favour of A.I.A.D.M.K. And Allied parties.
D.M.K. andAllied parties may expect, since that they are Divided ,A.I.A.D.M.K and allied parties will also get seperated and will face this election. Certainly J.Jayalalithaa and Vijayakanth can not be expected to get seperated , and This thought by D.M.K. is Totally wrong. D.M.K. will loose Deposits in Many Wards will a peculiar result.
14% of Votes will be gained in these elections as a whole by D.M.K. why D.M.K will get such a low result? because It say wisely that it is going to face this election Lonely, Actually The Real Fact is Allied Parties are not interested to contest along with D.M.K. ,They want to get seperated from D.M.K. They may say a reason that many D.M.K. Leaders fame collapsed due to many cases Failed by Police. But D.M.K. will say that its Leaders were loosing Fame and Name by the actions of Police Department which is due to Huge Pressure by The present Government by A.I.A.D.M.K. But Allied Parties of D M K went out of alliance is a Great Blinder to P.M.K. and Viduthalai siruthai, becuase they are not having Mass to their Parties.
But certainly they worked well and increased the fame of D.M.K. party is No Doubt,But it does not mean that they can get the increased share in the % Votes in Their Favour.This is a wrong Calculation.
so winners from the DM K Party contestants will be about 9% of wards in whole tamilnadu.
4% of wards will be captured by P.M.K. and allied.
5% of wards will be captured by Congress. Congress workers are divided with its Leaders ,and this a strength to all other Parties.Congress never Try for its Succession ,it only Try to raid on either D.M.K. or A.I.A.D.M.K in Tamil Nadu. Even P.M.K say that it would like to contest in the Election with out D.M.K. and A.I.A.D.M.K. But Congress Leaders do not have courage is the only reason for their failure.
4% of wards will be in the hands of B.J.P. why B.J.P get 4% only , because Election Propogation of B J P is not Proper or not in depth.This party workers are not working.
If B J P is not contesting than this % will be sharedby A.I.A.D.M.K. and D.M.K.
This election for All Wards in corporation and Panchayat Boards and other Local Bodies in TamilNadu will deliver a Negative Growth /Fall of P.M.K,D.M.K.,and other Parties.
M.D.M.K by Vai .Gopalsamy and Popularly known as Vaiko will loose in almost all constituencies.
But slightly a Marginal Growth can be found towards B.J.P. and Congress.
This is my Prediction. the result with a copy of this Prediction.
Election Result for Trichy west
Hi this is about election result for the election at Trichy west.
In This election More than 71% casting of votes will be their. A.I.A.D.M.K willbe the winner with high value of Vote in Difference.
This is my prediction.
as practically D.M.K.,P.M.K.,and other allies are now seperated. But in A.I.A.D.M.K alliances are in tact.
so No doubt A.I.A.D.M.K. will be the winner. Possibly The candidate may be the wife /Family member of Mariyam Pitchai .M.L.A., Late.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
People urge to see Sonia Gandhi?
Hi this is about Sonia gandhi. Yes! A Parliamentarian and U P A chairperson for the present Union Government admitted in a Hospital and surgery went successful is the message for people india through press and Media.Afterwards No news about her Health? why?
If the situation continues than India is on Sale? who is interested to buy this country may be a poster from parliament?
But Politicians are not interested to see her Back is the real matter with the existing parliamentarians from Both ruling and Opposition partiy M.P's Actions was observed.
why No one demanding to show Sonia gandhi to people through press and media. Even president of India is also Showing interest in getting information about Sonia gandhi to Press or media or people of thsi country and the world.
what is going on in the country is still in Doubt? Now it is the duty of Wikileaks and Press and Media has to explore about sonia health condition and to inform to the people. This is a must I believe. If it is not a must why she is Representing the Present Government.? let the Government resign?
Could there be a German 'Marshall Plan' for Europe?
Hi this is about Could there be a German 'Marshall Plan' for Europe?
President Obama said the eurozone is dragging the rest of the world into crisis territory.
Angela Merkel says a Greek default will have a domino effect across Europe.
I like to question here. that ,can we live over centuries? Is it possible to live over centuries?
My one answer is No.
and the second answer is Yes!
coming to my answer one is No. we people on the earth can not live as long we want or decide. It is possible to live over Hundres years. so why to create few bad feeling in the human society wher we live. Let us create a circle which must very strong so we need to construct this rope of circle to tie us is to made out of Pure Love . Germany orany other country , it is not the matter. Every country is suprior to her people,this is a common feeling at the same time we can not Isolate our country on any reason.
Now the Time has come to create a Money acceptable by all nations (194) by World Bank. This is a task to be infront of us. By this we can balance the economy. In Global market in Busines and sale Germany can not claim a major share apart from its monooly market,This is because of German High Quality productions,so it is costlier. This is the reason Low share in teh world Market But people know that german products are made for Trouble free. This is German concept. we do agree on this.
Now with growing population , since Money is not floated in all people ,and it is blocked with few people ,business flow struck ,so economy faces imbalance in the Globe.
So we people need to bring a common Money once again and it should be from World Bank with the acceptance of ALL 194 countries.
Religious minded people must not entertain Terrorism across the world. Peace is a must to have a study and fast growth in the world economy.
If Countries clashes due to ego than it will be a loss to People and economy once again.
If Third world war sign starts than we people in this world can not claim the word professional because we are going to be Barbarians. Their wil be No difference between Terrorists and we people.
coming to my answer Yes! If we do prospective actions as professionals on expecting our well being of our people than Your names will be Glittering on Records and Monuments and on scripts and on engravings at all times on the Earth for ever. I believe that you all will like to proceed for this. Thanks for accepting the answer "Yes".
so let us work on peace grounds with many negotiations.Rulers may come and Go But Countries and people must live on peace for ever.
Do we have to learn to live with slums?
Hi this is about Do we have to learn to live with slums?.
Manila, Philippines: The rich elite in cities across the world want to clear the slums which are now home to a billion people. But many of those who live in shanty towns like that which lines the banks of the San Miguel canal, do not want to leave. Why?
I had come to the Philippines to explore a theory but, as always, reality got in the way.
It is not necessary for people to live and experience the slum life. Lckily God has provided good homes to many. so if possible they must come forward to remove slums and pave way for constructing Homes for those in Poor. This must be a World project similar to Highways construction in many countries through Loans from World Bank.
Growing population are not creating slums now, they start live on boarding at the Platforms in Bus stations and Rail flatforms etc. This is a developemnt of Poverty. Here Government must poke attention and try to offer Home to Home less and to convert slums to Homes.
This Lucky Homes to replace slums can be called as Magic Home. This is a step towards eradicating Poverty on the earth. This is my belief and wish.
"people, planet and profit"
Hi this is about "people, planet and profit" by Paul Mason an Economics editor, Newsnight from we people are Lucky to have this gentleman in our life time. He is very pratical in approaching the prospect of a euro breakup; this is a message to this world.
another good article suits to the present world is expected in terms of structural change for the banks and on the conservative side in terms of timescale.
Yes! " I Like to say as "People,Planet,Perusal". Profit is an expectation. You have to persuade suitably to arrive the profit ,I believe.
As per Planet positions as per astrological signs I predicted that Many Scandals in Banks in all Nations in the world will Broke out in the year 2011. That is happening ,also up to February world will find such problems here and there in the world. Governmet has to hold grip on terms and policies.
Becuase of London Olympics and its arrangement few scandals are expected.
Many countries will deploy behind the door actions to confuse and corrupt the London Olympics. Here the Government going to fall on crisis. People as a whole are going to talk and work against Government can be expected as astrologically.
This is my prediction.
Laptop on Free
Hi this is about Laptop on Free. Yes! Laptop from Branded companies at free of cost. Yes! Tamil Nadu Government going to issue Laptop at free to all school going Children who study in 11th and 12th standard and students started their college education - Both Arts college students and Engineering college students are elgible.
so Pupil Tamilnadu has got an opportunity to shine on Technology and they are expected future generation to make teh Country Green By using the Internet and Information technology and computer.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Factors behind market turmoil
Hi this is about Factors behind market turmoil. Yes! Two main factors spoiling the World economy or behind the Market turmoil.
Yes they are;
1. Terrorism - smashes the economy to its low as a record.
so This must be attended by all nations across the world.
we watch Terrorists are given asylum by few countries. why this is happenning?. what is their need to apply this terrorism on other nations has to be analyzed to create friendliness and brotherliness.
For exaple their is news yesterday in press told us , that The next Leader of Bin Laden celebrates 10 th Anniversary of Twin Tower attack at Dhubai. This video is available in yahoo News.
so we request all leaders has to attend this matter passionately and to request Dhubai Government and Leaders in that country to have further dialogues by an invitation. With out asylum of a Government Terrorists can not function. On every Terrorists attack I strongly believe that a Home Ministry of a Government is Inolved. Now the Time Has come for Negotiations with Dhubai Government? How they can avoid such Terrorist actions at their soil. What is their requirement? or what is the need of Terrorists functioning at dhubai has to be addressed by Dhubai government to U N O or in a world Leaders Meet. This has to be arranged by Obama is my Humble request. so arresting Terrorism on teh soil Global economy or Market turmoil will have changes immediately.
2. A common Currency has to be designed,Printed and circulated by World Bank for the use of people across the world. Here we need to crop few demand s from few countries here and their to a possible extent. This currency will start Balancing economy. Than what , we are towards upward sign of Global economy.
3. Market and business Must opened with Levying a minimum of customs duties in all Countries. Custom duties in many countries seems to be very High, thsi si a block to economy.
4. For example singapore a country established very in the Last century. It has designed its Money. and Delibrately Ordered and allowed for Free Trading Ports which enabled that nation to a Very safe Position in the world economy.
So Free Port facilities must be stationed and designed to have in all nations. This must be out of Metro cities. so by bringing in to the country to all areas thro means of transport Taxes and revenue to government can be increased.
Please find my next post with the Rest of my views and opinions on this issue.
World economy 'needs bold action' by BBC.Com
Hi this is about Global Economy. Yes! This is a concern on this world Today to set up by creating a New Global policies for the development of Future Generation of this world.
World economy 'needs bold action'. Yes! Leaders Like Obama were to wlak for a small time while leaders like Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao Makes an open Invitation. For the sake of people on the earth Leaders can lean forward and can alter few policy that Goverens the Global Economy.
The following sentences in Internt available to all people view . I believe that this is not Looking good on either part. So for the Firm changes and developments of Global economy and economy of every individual in People at US as well as across the World US President May Lean forward to do certain changes in Policies Governing Global economy.
China is the world's second-biggest economy but it has been criticised for some of its economic policies.
The US has been one of its most vocal critics, and the two have clashed over China's trade and currency measures.
Yes In currency all ready euro arrived a great action .a step to advancement World Leaders can arrange for a New currency with a New Name , may be a common currency printed and circulated authentically with in the Terms and rules By World Bank will do a Great Developments in this Matter. for this Discussions and dialogues to get started with teh Iniatiation of My Dear Mr.Obama. I believe that Obama will definitely take constructive steps to help People of this world as a whole.
US and Soviet Union seemed on the brink of nuclear war
Audio tapes of Jackie Kennedy, made in 1963, just months after the assassination of her husband, President John F Kennedy, are released for the first time.
In the interviews with a White House historian, she says civil rights leader Martin Luther King is "a terrible man".
The former first lady is also scathing about Lyndon Johnson, her husband's vice-president, and world leaders.
She agreed to the interviews on condition that they would not be released until long after her death.She reserved sharp criticism for world leaders, too. They are
French President Charles de Gaulle,Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, and about the US and Soviet Union seemed on the brink of nuclear war.
Thanks please visit to read full matter .
getpaid atLink: friends Love
getpaid atLink: friends love
getpaid atLink: Truth ,sincere ,Honesty never succeed is a lesson!...
Truth ,sincere ,Honesty never succeed is a lesson!?
Hi this is about Truth ,sincere ,Honesty never succeed is a lesson!?
yes this is my experience. My Honesty failed. dedication failed,sincerity failed. People worked with me used to say that I am a workalchoholic other than this no mistakes can be found .
In last experience I investigated and found many wrong accounts which has not been found by the finance department becaue they are also a part of the mistakes.
The worth is in crores. The lesson I learnt is Many automobile buyer were not responsible even they are from qualified . They do not show interest to collect reciepts and invoices for the transactions. So few middle management used the liquid cash for roling fund between few. Not accounted in to reciept. And cheque payments were not reciepted against that customer account who paid for his car purchase. Including Financiers cheques. Financiers also lazy to collect the reciepts for the payment released on few cases because of a wrong faith and mis use of fund. Than the Leader of that Gang ( I do not want to call them as team- but Gang) was forced to resign . wether this soicety care about that? No because Today He is the General Manager in a imported car Company .
This is what the society. so society is not responding the truth and sincere on some time is also True from my experiences.
I posted my profile in teh Grievances page in the site of prime Minister.
All right.
Monday, September 12, 2011
friends love Volvo
Once again my friend knowing my problem for a placement he recommended to Concorde Motors from tata bangalore.
But I got placed at Act India HM division so I did not used my friend recommendation. This is also a mistake of mine.
Act India wher I and my Tean did assembling ISUZU in Ambassador cars at the rate of 3 lakh aprroximately.
we never sold spares in teh market for replacement. but we procurred all aggregates like Body shell with seat and wiring Harness and Head light and Tail light fitments ,Radiator, Isuzu 2 liter Diesel Engine assy ,Five speed sichorinized Gear Box,Two Propellar shats, and one Rear Axle unit assy , and we will buy Tyres and Battery as per the choice of Customers .
In our show room the car price was about 3.97Lacs. Body shell painted in the color in demand by a customer will cost One lakh seven to one lakh twenty three thousand.
radiator 4000/- Isuzu engine 2.0 lit 89 ooo/- - clutch will be supplied with Engine, Gear box assy about 23000/ two properler shat about 7500/- real axle assy unit about 13000/- so we arrive an approximate umit sale value is about 2,50,000 to 2,65,000 .
so we attracted people by giving a quote of 3.05 to 3.50,000 , In which we will say that we take your old car on 40,000 to 90,000/- but the old car is a scrap and it will be sold for 5,000 to 40,000 maximum. Here one secret is their which i do not want to reveal now.
also to say I understood the price fixing technique by a manufacturer in a sale meet at Maruthi that price of a car/automobile is 3 1/2 times against its cost of production. this is the strategy still followed in the market.
As I told my assembled car cost is 3,50,000 approx and old car bought will be 40,000 for example .cost of assembling that car is 2.55,000 approx. so my profit to my company from each car asembled is 3,10,000 - 2,55,000 = 55,000. In this we will pay a labour charges for assembling a car is 14,500/- so net profit on a car is about 30,000 to 40,000 /- so this is a way we sold spares. because our invoice will contain aggregates and other spares to assemble a car.
we provide a letter to R T O stating that Engine and Body shell as retofitments and other spares in the Invoice are incidental to changes and services. so This will get endorsed in the R C Book of a customer,but the car will run in the Old Number of the customer only.customers are rooted to enjoy the latest comforts at Low Price. That all. even if they buy a new car while they sell it they will not that much of monetary benefit is our competitive Talk in convincing a customer.
On this spares parts off take in a year crossed % crores so company got awarded by Hindstan Motors Limited a cheque value of 85 Lakhs and creditnotes. This is on one year. this is for sample on my and my team performance on sales. we canot be told as car sellers but we never accepted as spare sellers.
Hindustan Motors is teh only automobile company can shell out such huge money to a dealer on a promisory sale is one among my Best experience.
Birla Company is really made Many Birla. But Birla Company closed Hindusthan Motors ,so people like are on the street once again with out placement.
I got a placement in Volvo earthjmoving eqipment dealer at chennai at teynampet with a high salary on a desigantion as Manager sales and administration. But Due to my wife met with cancer and her treatments made me to discontinue in a short period of service at ACT VOLVO.Mr.Mohan Ramanathan who offred me this challenging career over a faith on me and my experience. Thanks to him.
Placements are available for a low profile or Low salary.
Thanks for reading my Post in full. Here I have not mentioned few friends Name for some reason.