Wednesday, March 19, 2014

70 Lakhs limit to a M.P. to spend in a constituency is also a wrong permission / Decision!?making this mandatory Law Political Parties will not announce any Free Bees Schemes -People were very good judges and they will not Caste their vote even if they got paid has to be understood by the election commission?.

Election commission in India may likely to allow Politicians to pay to people in the course of any Election up to the closure  scheduled time of a Propaganda?

yes this not wrong is my view!

Politicians who contest in a election can be allowed to make payments to People. 

the money could be Black money and  or Blocked Money from money flow. so by allowing distribution people will get paid by all Politicians is true and you can not expect that people are fools and work for Money or payment. no certainly not they will also have a chance to exploit politicians in democracy.. but after get paid people has to be given  knowledge that they should caste their vote on their own ideas. so People will get Money .

Election commission recently allowed business people can carry up to 10 Lakhs by transports with proper documents . this is previously Rupees 50,000 only. I believe this 70 Lakhs limit to a M.P. to spend in a constituency is also a wrong permissionDecision. yes, Election commission with the consent of Supreme court and attorney general of India and solicitor General must have reduced this limit to 25 Lakhs or  increased this limit to Rupees 2 Crore. why because an allowed to avail more than 2 Crore for his/her Constituency development fund immediately becomes an M.P. in Parlaiment (Though many M.P. do not spend this Money to his/her Constituency is also True.) 

People were very good judges and they will not Caste their vote even if they got paid  has to be understood by the election commission.

Election Commission of India must pass a mandatory Law , that is No Free Bees will not be allowed to exercise at the cost of Government why because that Free bees were supplied from the revenue received from people in many form including taxes.
so Election Commission of India must emphasis through a mandatory law saying that announced Free bees by any Political parties must be served to people from the cost of /from the expenses of that Party Personal fund before a day to Election Date Supply of Free Bees supplies  must be finished!.

by making this mandatory Law Political Parties will not announce any Free Bees Schemes.

this will make a party candidate expenses to exceed the said 70 Lakhs limit in a constituency in a election. so it is easy to disqualify a M.P./M.L.A./M.L.C in a election by a court  or election commission on its own powers is my view..

May I request Election commission and Supreme Court Judges may please think about the above opinion of mine on Free Bees!.


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