Sunday, July 26, 2009

Keep Giving feedback

Hi my dear friends here this is post about Keep Giving feedback.Human beings crave feedback.Try ignoring any 3 year old.At first , he will ask for positive attention,but if he is continually ignored,soon you will hear a loud crash or cry,because any feedback,even negative feedback,is better than no feedback.

some people think that principle only applies to children. but it applies even more to adults.The cruelest from the punishment in prison in soiltary confinement.Most prisoners will do anything -even temporarily improve their behaviour - to avoid being in a situation with little or no feedback.

you may have briefly experienced the relaxing effect of a sensory deprivation are placed for a few minutes in a dark,cocoon-like chamber,floating in body -temperature salt water,with all light and sound cut off.It's great for a few minutes.But not for long.

One day the sole worker at one of these sensory-deprivation tanks walked off the job in a huff over some injustice at work,leaving a customer trapped in a chamber.Several hours later,the customer was rescued but still had to be hospitalized. Not from any physical abuse,but from the psychosis caused by deprivation of sensory feedback.What occurs when all outside feedback is cut off is that the mind manufactures its own sensory feedback in the form of hallucinations that often personify the person's worst fears. The resulting nightmares and terrors can drive even normal people to the point of insanity.

Your own people are no different.if you cut off the feedback,their minds will manufacture their own feedback,quite often based on their worst's no accident that "trust and communication" are the two organizational problems most often cited by employee surveys.

One of the most notorious millitary and secret intelligence torture devices over the years has been a reclcitrant prisoner in to "the black room." the time spent in total sensory deprivation breaks prisoners faster than physical beatings.

Let's take the scene home.The husband is encouraging his wife to get ready for an evening event on time.

she ask's,How does this jacket look on me?

fine,just fine,let's go!"

Well,I knew I did not look good in it. I just can't find anything else to wear!"she says.

Human beings crave real feedback,not just some patronizing,pacifying words.

The managers who have the biggest trouble motivating their people are the ones who give the least feedback.

Motivators do thier homework.They knoe the score.And they keep feeding the score back to their people.

Thank you ,please visit this blog to read the next post.

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