My dear lovely viewer's of this blog, my sincere thanks to you for staying connected.
I would like to keep in touch on this site. Please add me to your Friends list so we can stay connected. This is the latest information letting you know commitments to agreements. When adults agree to keep their agreements with each other, it leads to more openly accountable company culture. It leads to higher levels of self-responsibility and self-respect.
The biggest beneficial impact of managing agreements is on communication.
A commitment to managing agreements is basically a commitment to being two professional adults working together, as opposed to
“I am your dad, I am your father, I am your mother, I’am your parent and I will reparent you. You are a child, and you are bad and you have done wrong, and I am upset with you, and I am disappointed in you."
This kind of approach is not management, it is not leadership. It is not even professional. That kind approach, which we would say eight out of ten managers do, is just a knee-jerk, intuitively parent-child approach to mange human beings.
The problem with parent- child management is that the person being managed does not feel respected in that exchange.
And the most important, the most powerful, precondition to good performance is trust and respect.
The true leader wants an absolute promise, and absolute performance. Always asking,” How can I assist you? How can I serve you and help you with this?"
An adult-to-adult agreement is made out of mutual respect, out of professional, grown-up conversation.
Thank you for your kind visits. My ideas and thoughts are completed about this matter with this post.
Once again we will meet in my next post with other subject.
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