My dear lovely viewer's of this blog, my sincere thanks to you for staying connected.
I would like to keep in touch on this site. Please add me to your Friends list so we can stay connected. This is the latest information letting you know Manage Agreements,not people.well,you tell me,do you actually manage your people? Do you manage your spouse? can you do it? I do not think so."Because we all stay and learn how great leaders get great results from their people.But they do it without managing people, because basically you can 't manage people."
If they do not manage people ,what do they do?
"They manage agreements." Managers make a mistake when they try to manage their people.They end up trying to sjovel mercury with a pitchfork,managing people's emotions and personalities.
This leads to poor time management and a lot of ineffective amateur psychotherapy. It also encourages employees to take a more immature position in their communication with management, almost an attempt to be re-parented by a supervisor rather than having an adult - to- adult relationship.
to be continued in the next post. please visit again to read the next post .
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