My dear lovely viewer's of this blog, my sincere thanks to you for staying connected.
I would like to keep in touch on this site. Please add me to your Friends list so we can stay connected. This is the latest information letting you know Leader's first responsibility.A leader's first responsibility is to make sure the relationship is a mature one.
A true leader does not run aroundtrying to manage people's amotions and personalities all day.
A leader is compassionate and always seeks to understand the feeling of others. But a leader does not try to manage those feelings.All communiocations is done with respect. Ther is no giving in to the temptation to be intimidating,bossy,or all-knowing.
A leader creates agreements with team members and enters in to those agreements on an adult-to-adult basis.
Once agreements are made on an adult-to-adult basis ,people donot have to be manged anymore. what gets managed is the agreement. Both side enjoy more open and trusting communication.There is also more accountability running both ways. It is now easier to discuss uncomfortable subjects.
Thank you for your visit. once again make your kind visit to read this post fully in my next post. to be continued.....
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