Hello my dear friends and viewer's of this blog hope to see your well-being at all time. please make daily visits to this blog. here is a new Message for your kind information. The post is about Put Your Hose Away-Fire fighter. Why are so many managers ineffective leaders? Because they are firefighters.When you become a firefighter,you do not lead any more.You don't decide where your team is going.The fire decides for you.
The fire controls your life.You think you are controlling the fire,but the fire is controlling you.
You become unconscious of opportunity.You become blind to possibilities,because you are immersed in,and defined bythe fire.
If you are an unmotivational manager,even when you put the fire out,you hop back on the truck and take off across the company looking for another fire.Soon,all you know is fires,and all you know how to do is fight them. even when there is no real fire ,you will find something you will redefine as a fire because you are a fire fighter and always want to be working.
A great motivator doesn't fight fires 24/7.A true motivator leads people from the present into the future. The only time a fire becomes relevant is when it's in the way of that future goal. Sometimes a leader doesn't even have to put the fire out. She sometimes just takes a path around the fire to get the desired future.
A firefighter, on the other hand , will stop everything and fight every fire.That's the basic difference between an unconcious manager and a concious leader.
Thank you very much for your kind visit. once again I will get back to you in my next post .now a short break. Bye Bye.