Hi my dear readers,viewers,community members,forum members,broad casting friends,and new visitors,Thank you all for staying connected. Our connectivity will definitely going to establish a growing audience. so please continue. Faith is life.
Here is a Hot news letting you know Do you celebrate it?."What about your stand on Halloween? Do you celebrate it? " this is the questions in a site.which has been answered by me with my little knowledge. so kindly bear with the mistakes if any. Please feel free to write to me after read this full post matter.
Yes! I will pay my sincere solute, Homage and respect to the souls. It is must to every one in the world. Some may not do this. In my life of these fifty years on this earth I have seen many people will strongly object God/lord Prayers and further they say there is no God. But on the other hand I have seen the same people as atheists will perform their poojas/prayers to the souls with out fail. So It means 99% of the people on the earth have strong belief on this Prayer to soul. This is nothing but paying a great respect to the elders.
I request you not to reveal further on this because people must have belief on some thing. So let it is. Already almost the world is overloaded with corruption and other mischievous acts and Terrorism, which is informing that we people were knowingly or unknowingly attempted to cross the Life ocean , but mingled directly or indirectly in these ,and almost we are all covered 75% of the Life ocean to reach the other shore . I do not know that How far we may come to reach the shore successfully with neatness and corrective ness.so all to celebrate Halloween.clik this link will take you to the site for more details.
All saints from all communities and The Holy Father at Vatican City along with all other Fathers praying for us, in particular they all along with we people have a great concern on the next Generation.
So please do not raise such topics for any debate is my humble request. In this matter I strongly believe all saints in all communities and The Holy Father will also accept my views. They will not deny accepting my views in here at this post.
Thank you, Visit again and again to read more at this blog.
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