Monday, April 23, 2012

why Indian politicians are not allowing a Christian to Presidential office in India. Christian is also a minority in India

Mr.Abdul Kalam - why he is not to be recommended for second time to president of India?


Mr. Abdul Kalam is a eminent Scientist of this world from India. and I believe he is not a capable for Presidential office for the second time,since we enjoyed and experienced his first term of his office for complete 5 years with No Use to People in India. Blasting atom bombs does not mean he is a best administrator,where as he is paving way to Huge expenses to keep India with increased people in Poor , This is true. so I wish that Mr.Abdul Kalam not to be recommended for the second time . this will lead the country to negative growth in all walks of Life.

Same time he is not a suitable person for Presidential office of India for the second time. I strongly object the right of 535 M.P.'s from more than 112 crore people in India selecting him for the second time for president office. This is a wrong act opf politicians in India.

why Indian politicians are not allowing a Christian to Presidential office in India. Christian is also a minority in India.

Now few politicians from Maharashtra like to Nominate Mr.Anna Hazare for the presidential office of India. This is also a wrong move. He is not a suitable person for presidential office.

why all these foolish acts happens in India.

Already Mr.kalam operated presidential office but No significant development in any field to care welfare of people. Mr.kalam and Politicians in India must allow a new face like Mr.P.C.Alexander(Late) an able administrator. why because Mr.Kalam is not an able administrator is to be remebered.

also more than 4 President from Islam community occupied the presidential office is the History. similalrly, Is their any opportunity to a Hindu to become president of Pakistan or in any Middle east countries ?This will happen in Dream only. Than why at India? Always politicians using Minority as a tool in electing a person as president of India. I strongly Object this act. No one has to be colored as Minority in India while the subject connected to Highest office in India. All Must be informed or told as India ,Are the Politicians are ready for this challenge? No certainly they are not is my answer, what is your answer ,press ,Media and others.

Please comment on this Genuine Obejection as a Indian. So I wish Mr.Abdul Kalam not to be recommended for President of India for the second time.

we need to find another genuine person for this meritorial office.


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